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Basic Word Structure
Combining Form/Meaning
Term | Definition |
aden/o | gland-(Adenoma: The suffix -oma means tumor or mass). |
arthr/o | joint- (arthritis) |
bi/o | life- (Biology: The suffix -logy is composed of the root log (study) and the final suffix -y (process or condition). |
carcin/o | cancerous, cancer-(Carcinoma: A carcinoma is a cancerous tumor. Carcinomas grow from the epithelial (surface or skin) cells that cover the outside of the body and line organs, cavities, and tubes within the body). |
cardi/o | heart-(cardiology) |
cephal/p | head-(Cephalic: (se˘-FA˘L-ı˘k) The suffix -ic means pertaining to. A cephalic presentation describes a “head first” position for the delivery of an infant). |
cerebr/o | cerebrum (largest part of the brain) |
cis/o | To cut; (incision-the prefix in- means into, and the suffix -ion means process). |
crin/o | to secrete (to form and give off), endocrine glands the prefix endo- means within; endocrine glands (e.g., thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands) secrete hormones directly within (into) the bloodstream. |
cyst/o | urinary bladder; a sac or a cyst (sac containing fluid) |
cyt/o | cell (blood cells) |
derm/o | skin (dermatitis) |
electr/o | Electricity- (electrocardiogram-the suffix -gram means record. Abbreviated ECG (or sometimes EKG). |
encephal/o | brain (electroencephalogram) Abbreviated EEG. |
enter/o | intestines-(usually the small intestine) |
gastr/o | Stomach: (gastrectomy-The suffix -ectomy means excision or removal. All or, more commonly, part of the stomach is removed). |
glyc/o | Sugar-(hyperglycemia -The prefix hyper- means excessive, above, or more than normal. The suffix -emia means blood condition). |
gnos/o | Knowledge-(diagnosis the prefix dia- means complete. The suffix -sis means state or condition of. A diagnosis is made after sufficient information has been obtained about the patient’s condition. Literally, it is a “state of complete knowledge"). |
gynec/o | woman, female (gynecology) |
hemat/o | blood-(hematology) |
hem/o | Blood-(hematoma in this term, -oma means a mass or collection of blood, rather than a growth of cells (tumor). A hematoma forms when blood escapes from blood vessels and collects as a clot in a cavity or organ or under the skin). |
hepat/o | liver-(hepatitis) |
iatr/o | Treatment, physician-(iatrogenic the suffix -genic means pertaining to producing, produced by, or produced in. Iatrogenic conditions are adverse effects that result from treatment or intervention by a physician). |
leuk/o | white-(leukocyte-this blood cell helps the body fight disease). |
log/o | study of-(dermatology) |
nephr/o | kidney-(nephrology) |
neur/o | nerve-(neurology) |
onc/o | Tumor-(oncologist-the suffix -ist means one who specializes in a field of medicine (or other profession). |
ophthalm/o | Eye-(ophthalmoscope-(o˘f-THA˘L-mo¯-sko¯p) The suffix -scope means an instrument for visual examination. (To help with spelling, notice that just as there are two eyes, there are two “h”s in this term.) |
oste/o | Bone-osteoarthritis-(This condition of aging is actually a degeneration of bones and joints often accompanied by inflammation). |
path/o | disease-(pathology) |
ped/o | Child-(pediatric-notice that ped/o is also in the term orthopedist. Orthopedists once were doctors who straightened (orth/o means straight) children’s bones and corrected deformities). |
psych/o | Mind-(psychology) |
radi/o | X-ray-(radiology-Low-energy x-rays are used for diagnostic imaging). |
ren/o | Renal-(Ren/o (Latin) and nephr/o (Greek) both mean kidney). |
rhin/o | Nose-(rhinitis) |
sarc/o | Flesh-(sarcoma-this is a cancerous (malignant) tumor). |
sect/o | To cut-(resection-The prefix re- means back. A resection is a cutting back in the sense of cutting out or removal (excision). A gastric resection is a gastrectomy, or excision of the stomach. |
thromb/o | Clot, clotting-(thrombocyte Also known as platelets, these cells help clot blood). |
ur/o | Urinary tract, urineurology-(A urologist is a surgeon who operates on the organs of the urinary tract and the organs of the male reproductive system). |