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Histology The study of tissue
Tissue A group or mass of similar cells working together
Epithelial Usually has no vascular tissue
Epithelial Functions: Protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, secretion
Epithelial Cell produce rapidly... rapid healing
Simple Squamous Found in the lungs, walls of capillaries
Simple Squamous Epithelial tissue- single layer
Simple Squamous Function: Diffusion, filtration
Simple Cuboidal Epithelial - cube-shaped cells
Simple Cuboidal Found in the kidney tubules, ducts of glands
Simple Columnar Elongated cells with nuclei in about the same position
Simple Columnar Found in the Digestive Tract and uterus
Microvilli Finger like projections that increase surface area
Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue - Multi-layers squamous cells
Stratified Squamous Found in the lining of body cavities like the mouth and outer layer of skin
Pseudostratified Columnar Elongated cells with nuclei at various levels
Pseudostratified Columnar found in the lining air passages, trachea, reproductive system
Transitional Epithelial Stretchable tissue found in the bladder
Connective Tissue Most Abundant tissue in the body
Collagenous Fibers Known as White Fibers
Callegenous Fibers made up of the protein collagen
Elastic Fibers Known as Yellow Fibers
Areolar Tissue binds underlying organs throughout the body
Adipose Tissue AKA - Fat
Adipose Tissue functions- protective cushion, insulation, stores energy
Ligments Connect Bones to Bones
Tendons Connect Muscle to Bones
Fibrous CT Dense Tissue, thick collagenous fibers, POOR blood supply, slow healing
Chondrocytes cartilage cells
Hyaline Cartilage Most common Cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage Cartilage that overs the ends of bones, nose, respiratory passages
Elastic Cartilage Cartilage that is flexible, external ear larynx
Fibrocartilage Cartilage, Found in the intervertebral disks
Bone Osseus Tissue, Rigid due to mineral salts
Blood "fluid" tissue
Skeletal Muscle Striated, Voluntary, nuclei are peripheral
Smooth Muscle involuntary, found in hollow organs
Cardiac Muscle Muscle found in the wall of the heart
Nerve Tissue Found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Neurons Nerve cells that transmits signals
Neuroglia Nerve cells that protect and support neurons
Popular Anatomy sets



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