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Medi Term Mid term

Mod 1-9 (mixed) All terms & definitions_9

cauterization destruction of tissue by burning
cephalic version procedure for turning the fetus so that its head is the presenting part to enter the birth canal first
cervical dysplasia abnormal cells in cervix
cervicitis inflammation of cervix
cervix neckline, lower portion of uterus
cesarean section surgical incision of abdominal wall & uterus to deliver a fetus
Chlamydia infection bacterial infection causing pelvic inflammation in the reproductive tract of women & men
choriocarcinoma malignant tumor of placenta
choriogenesis formation of chorion
chorion outermost membrane surrounding the developing fetus; forms the fetal part of placenta
chorionic pertaining to the chorion
chorionic villus sampling sampling of placental tissues (chronic villi) for prenatal diagnosis
clitoris sensitive erectile tissue, outside the body in front of the opening of the female urethra
coitus sexual intercourse
colposcopy visual exam of vagina & uterine cervix using an optical magnifying instrument called coloscope
conization removal of cone-shaped section of cervix
corpus leteum yellow glandular mass formed by an ovarian follicle that has matured & discharged it ovum; secretes progesterone to maintain pregnancy
cryocauterization use of freezing cold temperature to burn or destroy tissue
cul-de-sac region in the lower abdomen between uterus & rectum
culdocentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the cul-de-sac
cystadenocarcinoma malignant tumor contain fluid-filled sacs
cystadenoma benign tumor of cystic & glandular components, commonly found in ovaries
dermoid cyst ovarian cysts lined with a variety of cell types (hair, skin, teeth)
dilation widening & enlargement of a hollow organ
dilation & curettage widening of cervix & scarping the endometrial lining of uterus
dysmenorrhea painful or difficult menses
dyspareunia painful sexual intercourse
dystocia difficult childbirth
ectopic pregnancy implantation of fertilized egg in any site other than the uterus
embryo stage in prenatal development from 2-6 weeks
endocervicitis inflammation of inner lining of the cervix
endometritis inflammation of inner lining of the uterus (upper portion)
endometrium inner, mucous membrane lining of uterus
episiotomy incision of vulva (perineum) to widen the opening of vagina during a difficult childbirth
erythroblatosis fetalis hemolytic disease of newborn caused by a blood group incompatibility (Rh factor) between mother & fetus
estrogen ovarian hormone that promotes female secondary sex characteristics & sexual development
exenteration removal of internal organs; pelvic exenteration is removal of ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina & sections of intestines
fallopian tube one of a pair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterus (oviducts or uterine tubes)
fertilization union of egg & sperm cell
fetal monitoring continuous recording of fetal heart rate & uterine contractions during labor
fetal presentation manner in which fetus enters the birth canal
fetus stage in prenatal development from 6 to 39 or 40 weeks
fibrocystic disease presence of small sacs of fibrous connective tissue & fluid in breast
fibroids benign tumors of fibrous & muscular tissue in uterus; leiomyomas
frimbrae finger or fringe-like ends of fallopian tubes
follicle=stimulating hormone (FSH) secreted by pituitary gland to stimulate maturation of egg cell
galactorrhea excessive or abnormal secretion of milk after breast-feeding has ended
gamete reproductive cell (ovum or sperm)
genitalia reproductive organs or genitals
gestation 9-month period during which a fertilized egg cell develops into an infant; pregnancy
gonad female or male reproductive organ that produces sex cells & hormones
gynecology study of female reproductive organs, including breasts
gynecomastia female-like breast enlargement in a male
human chorionic gonadotropin secreted by the placenta to sustain pregnancy
hyaline membrane acute lung disease in premature infants; respiratory distress disease syndrome of newborn
hydrocephalus accumulation of fluid in the spaces of brain; in infants this condition causes enlargement of head
hymen mucous membrane partially or completely covering the opening to vagina
hysterectomy removal of uterus
hysterosalpingography x-ray recording of uterus & fallopian tubes after injection of contrast material
hysteroscopy visual exam of uterus (endoscopic)
in vitro fertilization egg & sperm cells are combined outside of body in a lab dish (in vitro) to facilitate fertilization; fertilized ova are implanted into uterus through cervix
intrauterine device (IUD) device inserted by a physician into uterus to prevent pregnancy
involution shrinking of uterus to its normal size after childbirth
labia lips of vagina
lactation production of milk
lactiferous ducts tubes that carry milk throughout the breast
lactogenesis production of milk
laparoscopy visual exam of abdominal cavity using endoscope
leiomyomas benign tumors of uterus; fibroids
leukorrhea white to yellow discharge from vagina
lumen cavity or channel with a tube or tubular organ, as a blood vessel, vagina or fallopian tube
luteinizing hormone secreted by pituitary gland to promote ovulation
mammary pertaining to breast
mammary papilla nipple of breast
mammography x-ray record of breast
mammoplasty surgical repair of breast (augmentation or reduction surgery)
mastectomy removal or excision of a breast
mastitis inflammation of a breast
meconium aspiration syndrome abnormal inhalation of meconium (first stools) by a fetus or newborn
menarche beginning of first menses
menometorrhagia excessive uterine bleeding during menses & also between menses
menopause gradual ending of menses
menorrhagia abnormally heavy or long menstrual periods
menorrhea menstruation; monthly discharge of blood from lining of uterus
menstruation monthly shedding of lining of uterus; menses
metorrhagia bleeding between menstruations
multigravida a woman who has been pregnant more than once
multipara a woman who has delivered more than one viable infant
myomectomy removal of muscle tumors (fibroids) from uterus
myometrium muscle layer of uterus
neonatal newborn
neonatology study of newborns
nullipara a woman who has never given birth to an infant
obstetrics branch of medicine dealing with the care of women during pregnancy or childbirth
ooigomenorrhea scanty menstrual flow
oogenesis formation of ova
Created by: lfrancois
Popular Medical sets




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