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Muscular System

Chapter 8

Muscles make up what percent of body weight? About 40%
When under conscious control muscles do what? Contract to moves the bones.
Excitability Ability to receive and respond to stimulus.
Contractility Ability to shorten or contract.
Extensibility A muscle can be stretched or extended.
Elasticity The capacity to recoil or return to the original shape and length after contraction or extension.
About what percent or heat is produced in the body in a result of muscle contractions? Nearly 85%
Epimysium A connective tissue sheath that surrounds each muscle. The outer protective layer of muscles.
Sarcolemma The cell membrane of a muscle cell.
Rigor Mortis "Stiffness of death"
Intramuscular Injection Gluteus medius, not gluteus maximus to avoid damaging the sciatic nerve.
Indirect Attachments Tendon and aponeuroses form this, its an attachment from muscles to the periosteum of bones or connective tissue of other muscles.
Insertion More movable attachments of the muscle.
Motor neurons Stimulate the skeletal muscles.
Motor unit A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates.
Neuromuscular junction The region where an axon terminal meets a muscle fiber.
Acetylcholine A neurotransmitter
Aerobic respiration Oxygen's available.
Anaerobic respiration Oxygen is not available.
Lactic acid Causes a burning sensation in the muscles when it builds up.
ATP Immediate or initial source of energy for muscle contractions.
Oxygen dept Additional oxygen that's required after physical activity to restore resting condition.
Oxygen dept is paid back by? Labored breathing that continues after activity.
Antagonist Muscles that oppose or reverse a particular movement.
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle around the eyes. Action of winking, blinking,and squinting.
Masseter A muscle for chewing.
Orbicularis Oris Encircles mouth, used to close mouth, to form words, and to pucker up for kissing.
Flexion To bend EX; bending elbow or knee.
Abduction To take away EX; outward movement of the legs in "jumping jacks".
Sternocleidomastoid Moves the head side to side or bends head towards the chest.
External Intercostal Muscles Contracts to elevate the ribs during the inspiration phase of breathing. Located In spaces between the ribs.
Diaphragm Dome-shaped muscle responsible for the major movement in the thoracic cavity during quiet, relaxed breathing.
Pectoralis major To adduct and rotate the arm medially across the chest.
Latissimus dorsi Adducts and rotates the arm medially and lowers the shoulder.
Deltoid Abducts the arm to a horizontal position. Also a site for intramuscular injections.
Gluteus medius Superior and deep to the gluteus maximus. Also a common sight for intramuscular injection.
Quadriceps Femoris Primary ex-tensors of the leg along with four other muscles that are on anterior and lateral sides of thigh.
Peroneus Lateral compartment of leg; It everts the foot and also helps plantar flexion.
Gastrocnemius and Soleus Major muscles in the posterior compartment of leg form the fleshy mass in the calf.
Calcaneal Tendon Achilles tendon . Strong planter flexors of the foot.
Created by: ShawnaGreen
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