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Anatomy week2

What is a cell Smallest living unit Fundamental unit of all living things Cells are everywhere Every tissue, organ are made up of cells.
Similarities in cells All cells are similar in that they contain a gelatinous substance composed of: Water,proteins,sugar,acids,fats,minerals
Difference in cells As cells develop in the embryo cells change forms. Cells are different in order to carry out specific functions. Muscle cell Epithelial Cell Nerve cell Fat cell
Muscle cell Long and slender Contains fibres that aid in contracting and relaxing
Epithelial cell Square & flat Provides protection Eg) skin, protective coating on internal organs
Nerve cell Long with many fibres to carry out impulses. Some fibres can be 4 ft long
Fat cell Large empty spaces to store fat
What is metabolism Anabolism & catabolism make up the cells metabolism. Therefore metabolism is the total of the chemical processes occurring in a cell
What is tissue Tissue is a group of similar cells working together to do a specific job
List 4 types of tissue Epithelial tissue Muscle tissue Connective tissue Nerve tissue
What are organs Different types of tissue combine to form organs.
viscera Organ
viscus Organ
What are systems Groups of organs working together to perform complex functions
Digestive system Mouth, pharynx (throut), esophagus, stomach,intestines, liver,gallbladder, pancreas
Urinary or excretory system Kidneys,uttered,bladder,urethra,
Respiratory system Nose,pharynx,larynx,trachea,bronchial tubes, lungs
Reproductive system Female: Ovaries,Fallopian tubes,uterus,vagina,mammoth glands Makes: Urethra,penis,testes,prostate gland
Endocrine system Thyroid gland,pituitary gland,sex gland,adrenal gland,pancreas,parathyroid glands
Nervous system Brain,spinal cord,nerves,collections of nerves
Circulatory system Heart,blood vessels,lymphatic vessels,nodes,spleen,thymus gland
Musculoskeletal system Muscle Bones Joints
Skin & sense organs system Skin,hair,nails,sweat glands,sebaceous glands,eye,ear,nose,tongue
Adipose tissue Collection of fat cells
Cartilage Flexible connective tissue attached to bone & joints
Epithelial cell Skin cells cover: Outside of body line internal organs
Histologist A scientist who specializes in the study of tissues
Larynx The voice box
Pharynx Throat
Pituitary gland Endocrine gland at the base of the brain
Thyroid gland Endocrine gland that surrounds the trachea in the neck
Trachea Wind pipe
Ureter One of two tubes each leading from a single kidney to the urinary bladder
Urethra Tube from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
Uterus Womb Holds the embryo/fetus as it develops
Viscera Internal organs
What is a body cavity A space within the body that contains internal organs (Viscera)
Cranial cavity Brain Pituitary gland
Thoracic Lungs,heart,esophagus,trachea,bronchial,thymus gland, aorta
Abdominal cavity Stomach ,small intestine,large intestine,spleen,pancreas,liver,gallbladder
Pelvic cavity Portions of small & large intestines Rectum, urinary bladder, urethra,ureters,uterus,vagina
Spinal cavity Nerves of the spinal cord
Abdominopelvic regions & quadrants There are 9 regions & 4 quadrants
Right hypochondriac region Right upper region Below the cartilage of the ribs that extend over the abdomen
Left hypochondriac region Left upper region Below the rib cartilage
epigastric region Region above the stomach
Right lumbar region Right middle region near waist
Left lumbar region Left middle region near waist
Umbilical region Region of the naval or umbilicus
Right inguinal region Right lower region near groin
Left inguinal region Left lower region near groin
Hypogastric region Middle lower region below umbilical region
RUQ Right upper quadrant Right love of the liver , gallbladder, part of the pancreas,part of the small intestine, part of the large intestine
LUQ Left upper quadrant Left love of the liver Stomach Spleen Part of the pancreas Part of the small intestine Part of the large intestine
RLQ Right lower Quadrant Part of the small intestine Part of the large intestine Right ovary Right Fallopian tube Appendix Right ureter
LLQ Left lower quadrant Part of the small intestine Part of the large intestine Left ovary Left Fallopian tube Left ureter
Divisions of the spinal column 5 divisions
Division one C spine Cervical spine Neck region There are 7 cervical vertebrae C1 through C7
Division two T spine Thoracic spine Chest region 12 thoracic vertebrae T1 through T12 Each bone is joined to a rib
Division three L spine Lumbar spine Loin or waist flank region Between ribs & hipbone 5 lumbar vertebrae L1 through L5
Division four S spine Sacral spine 5 bones S1 through S5 Fused to form one bone The sacrum
Division five Coccygeal spine The coccyx or tailbone is a small bone composed of 4 fused pieces
Vertebra Single back bone
Vertebrae Back bones
Spinal column Bone tissue Surrounding the spinal cavity
Spinal cord Nervous tissue Within the spinal cavity
Disk or disc Pad of cartilage between the vertebrae
Anterior Front side of body
Posterior Back side of body
Deep Away from the surface
Superficial On the surface
Proximal Near the point of attachment to the trunk or near the beginning of structure
Distal Far from the point of attachment to the trunk
Inferior Below another structure
Superior Above another structure
Medial Pertaining to the middle
Lateral To the side
Supine Lying on the back
Prone Lying on belly
Planes of the body 3 planes
Frontal plane Coronal Vertical plane Dividing the body into anterior & posterior portions
Sagittarius plane Lateral Lengthwise vertical plane dividing the body into right & left sides
Transverse plane Axial Horizontal cross section Running across the body parallel to the ground
Cell membrane Structure surrounding and protecting the cell. It determines what enters and leaves the cell
Chromosomes Rod shaped structure in the nucleus that contains regions of DNA called genes. There are 23 pairs therefore 46 chromosomes total in every cell Excluding the egg and sperm cell that have only 23 unpaired chromosomes
Cytoplasm All material outside the nucleus but contained within the cell membrane
DNA Chemical found within each chromosome Arranged like a sequence of recipes in code It directs the activities of the cell
Endoplasmic reticulum Network of canals within the cytoplasm of the cell Here large proteins are made from smaller protein pieces
Mitochondria Structures in the cytoplasm that provide the principal source of energy for the cell Miniature power plant Catabolism is the process that occurs in mitochondria
Nucleus Control centre of the cell it contains chromosomes and directs the activities of the cell
Ribosomes Small granules that help the cell make proteins Attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
Created by: ShellyBee
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