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Terminology week3

a- no, not, without
an- no, not, without
ab- away from
abdomin/o abdomen
-ac Pertaining to
acanth/o Spiny Thorny
hip socket acetabulum
acous/o hearing
acr/o Extremities Top Extreme point
acromi/o extension of shoulder bone
actin/o light
acu/o sharp severe sudden
-acusis hearing
ad- toward
Aden/o gland
adenoid/o adenoids
adip/o fat
adren/o adrenal gland
adrenal/o adrenal gland
aer/o air
af- toward
agglutin/o clumping sticking together
-agon assemble gather
agora- marketplace
-agra excessive pain
-algia pain
-cele hernia
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-coccus -cocci berry shaped bacterium/bacteria
-cyte cell
-dynia Pain
-ectomy Remove Resection Excision
-emia Blood condition
-genesis Condition of Producing Forming
-gram Record
-graph Instrument for recording
-graphy Process of recording
-itis Inflammation
-logy Study of
-lysis Breakdown Deconstruct Separation
-malacia Softening
-megaly Enlargement
-oma Tumor Mass Collection of fluid
-opsy To view
-osis Condition
-pathy Disease condition
-penia Deficiency
-phobia Fear
-plasia Development Formation Growth
-plasty Surgically repair
-ptosis Drooping Falling Prolapse
-rrhea Discharge Flow
-sclerosis Hardening
-scope Instrument for visual examination
-stasis Controlling Stopping
-stomy Opening to from a mouth
-therapy Treatment
-tomy Incision Cutting into
-trophy Development Nourishment
-er One who
-ia Condition
-ist Specialist
-ole Little small
-ule Little small
-um Structure tissue
-ium Structure tissue
-us Structure substance
-y Condition Process
Artery Carries blood rich in oxygen from the heart to the organs of the body
Arterioles (Small arteries) In the organs the artery narrows to form arterioles that branch into capillaries
Venules Capillaries branching into venules, carry blood low in oxygen. Venuels lead to the vein that brings oxygen -poor blood back to the heart
Capillaries Through thin walls of capillaries, oxygen leaves the blood and enters cells. Capillaries branch into venules carry blood low in oxygen
Vein Veins bring oxygen poor blood back to the heart
-iac Pertaining to
-al Pertaining to
-ar , -ary, -eal, -genic, -ic, -ical Pertaining to
-oid Resembling Derived from
-ose, -ous, -tic Full of Pertaining to
hernia Protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ through the cavity that normally contains it.
Amniocentesis withdrawal of amniotic fluid for analysis
Streptococcus & Staphyococci Types of bacteria
Anemia Reduction in the erythrocytes or amount of haemoglobin in the circulating blood
Ischemia To hold back blood from a part of the body
Tonsillitis Caused by Streptococcal infection
Acromegaly Endocrine disorder where the pituitary glad produces excessive amounts of growth hormone after puberty
Leukocytosis Abnormal condition of increase in normal circulating white blood cells
Achondroplasia Inherited disorder resulting in a type of Dwarfism
Adenoids Small masses of lymphatic tissue in part of the pharynx near the nose and nasal passages
Tonsils Lymphatic tissue
tracheotomy An incision into trachea done to open it below a blockage. To remove foreign body or to obtain a biopsy specimen
tracheostomy An opening into the trachea through which an indwelling tube is inserted. Tube allows air to flow into lungs
laparoscopy a form of minimally invasive surgery. visual examination of the abdominal cavity.
laparoscopy visual exam of the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope
adenoids lymphatic tissue in the pharynx
abscess collection of pus White blood cells
Erythrocytes Red blood cells
Leukocytes White blood cells
5 kinda of white blood cells Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Lymphocyte Monocyte
Thrombocytes platelets Type of blood
hydr/o fluid water
inguin/o groin
isch/o to hold back
lapar/o abdomen abdominal wall
laryng/o larynx
Leuk/o white
lymph/o lymph
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
morph/o shape form
muc/o mucus
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord bone marrow
necr/o death
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
neutr/o neutrophil a white blood cell
nucle/o nucleus
ophthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
path/o disease
peritone/o peritoneum
phag/o to eat swallow
phleb/o vein
plas/o formation development
pleur/o pleura (membrane surrounding lungs)
pneumon/o lungs
pulmon/o lungs
radi/o X-rays
rect/o rectum
ren/o kidney
rhin/o nose
sarc/o flesh
splen/o spleen
staphyl/o clusters
strept/o twisted chains
thorac/o chest
theomb/o clotting
tonsill/o tonsils
trache/o trachea Wind pipe
ven/o vein
abdomin/o abdomen
acr/o extremities top extreme point
acu/o sharp severe sudden
aden/o gland
adip/o fat
amni/o amnion sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus
angi/o vessel
anteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
axill/o armpit
bi/o life
blephar/o eyelids
bronch/o bronchial tube
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
chem/o chemical drug
chondr/o cartilage
chron/o time
col/o colon large intestine
cyst/o urinary bladder
Encephalo/o brain
erythr/o red
hem/o blood
hepat/o liver
Anabolism The process of building up large proteins from smaller protein pieces called amino acids
Catabolism Process whereby complex nutrients are broken down to simpler substances and energy is released
Cell membrane Structure surrounding and protecting the cell. It determines what enters and leaves the cell.
Chromasomes Rod shaped structure in the nucleus that contain regions of DNA called genes. There are 23 pairs therefore 46 chromosomes in every cell *excluding egg & sperm cells they have only 23 single chromosomes *
Cytoplasm All material outside of the nucleus but contained within the cell membrane
DNA Chemical found within each chromosome. Arranged like a sequence of recipes in code. It directs the activities of the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Network of canals within the cytoplasm of the cell. Here, large proteins are made from smaller protein pieces.
Mitochondria Structures in the cytoplasm that provide the principal source of energy for the cell. “Miniature power plant” Catabolism is the process that occurs in mitochondria
Nucleus Control centre of the cell. It contains chromosomes and directs the activities of the cell.
Metabolism Total of the chemical processes in the cell. Includes: Catabolism Anabolism
Ribosomes Small granules that help the cell make proteins. Attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
Adipose Connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells
Cartilage Elastic Fibrous tissue attached to bones Bone, and blood
Karyotype A photograph of an individuals chromosomes arranged by size,shape,and number Determines if chromosomes are normal
23rd chromosomal pair : In women: In men: XY XX
What results when the 21st chromosome has an extra copy? How many 21st chromosomes appear as a result? A condition known as Down Syndrome results Tri (three copies of the 21st chromosome will appear)
4 types of cells Muscle cell Epithelial Cell Nerve cell Fat cell
Created by: ShellyBee
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