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Integumentary System

I+D Incision (lance) and Drainage
incision and drainage commonly performed to remove a collection (pocket) of pus
abcess a pocket of pus
biopsy analysis of tissue specimen to determine if the cells are malignant or benign
malignant dangerous
benign harmless
Bx biopsy
SG skin graft
FS frozen section (cryosection)
putrefaction tissue necrosis and microbial proliferation
gangrene decomposition
MM malignant melanoma
UV ultraviolet
CA cancer
neoplasm new growth
neplasia new growth
nevus (nevi) mole or birthmark
impetigo vesicular and pustular bacterial skin disease
vesicular raised skin lesion containing clear liquid
pustular papule(s) containing pus
callus hypertrophied skin in response to chronic friction
hypertrophied excessive growth or development
crustation (scab) a dry rough protective crust that forms over an open wound
ichthyosis (ichthyotic) dry scaly skin
xeroderma dry skin
psoriasis an autoimmune disease causing erythematous skin lesions with white or silvery flaky scales
avulsion ripping (tearing) tissue from the body
laceration tissue that is cut, torn, or ripped
tinea pedis foot ringworm or athlete's foot
fissure a crack (split) in the skin
epidermomycosis abnormal condition of skin caused by fungus
myc/o fungus (fungi)
TST tuberculin skin test
induration a hard spot on the skin
cyst (cystic) a cluster of cells grouped together to form a closed sac
welts (wheals) raised urticaria
urticaria (urticarial) hives
hives a patchy, erythematous (red), edematous (swollen), and often pruritic (itchy) skin rash usually caused by an allergic reaction
excoriation (excoriate) superficial chemical damage
abrasion superficial mechanical (rubbing) skin damage
HPV human papillomavirus
verruca(e) (wart) a raised skin lesion caused by HPV
petechia(e) pinpoint skin hemorrhage
purpura a combination of ecchymosis and petechiae
ecchymosis a black and blue mark caused by bleeding under the skin
ecchymosis hematoma or contusion or bruise
comedo(nes) whiteheads or blackheads
sebaceous glands secrete sebum
pustule (pustular) papule(s) filled with pus
papular small raised skin lesion(s)
AV acne vulgaris
acne vulgaris inflammatory papular and pustular eruptions caused by clogging of sebaceous glands
carbuncle (carbuncular) a group (car load) of furuncles
furuncle infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue
abscess a collection (pocket) of pus
bleb(s) a small vesicle (blister)
bulla (bullae) a large vesicle (blister)
vesicle (vesicular) a raised skin lesion containing clear liquid
blister vesicle (vesicular)
macule (macular) a flat usually erythematous skin lesion
piting edema excessive swelling allowing pitting after light palpation
edema (edematous) tissue swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid
DU decubitus ulcer
decubitus ulcer a skin ulcer caused by immobility allowing prolonged pressure from body weight
bony prominence located where a bone is directly below the skin
ulcer erosion of tissue
keloid (keloidal) hypertrophied scar
hypertrophied excessive development
cicatrix (cicatrices) new fibrous connective tissue deposited to close a wound
lesion any pathological change in structure or function
lesion caused by a wound
alopecia hair loss (baldness)
SE side effect
antineoplastic medications chemotherapy
bowel evisceration (eviscerate) protrusion of abdominal contents after dehiscence
dehiscence (dehisce) splitting open of a surgical wound
Penrose drain a common brand name for a sterile wound drain
sterile destruction of all microorganisms
pathogen disease creator
proliferation rapid reproduction
antiseptic (antisepsis) inhibiting proliferation of pathogens
Iodoform gauze a common brand name for sterile antiseptic wound packing
diaphoresis (diaphoretic) profuse sweating
sudoriferous exocrine glands that secrete sweat
secrete produce and discharge
exocrine secrete out
infestation live in or on a host as a parasite
parasite an organism that benefits at the expense of it's host
scabies a parasitic pruritic infestation of itch mites
pruritic itchy
cyanosis abnormal condition of blue discoloration
hypothermia condition of deficient heat
hypoxia condition of deficient oxygen
albinism genetic absence of skin and/or hair and/or eye pigmentation
leukoderma (vitiligo) localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by white patches
melanin pigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes
pallor reduction of blood to the skin causing a pale discoloration
disseminate (dissemination) disperse or spread
necrotic pertaining to dead
debridement (debride) removal of necrotic tissue and/or foreign bodies
FB foreign bodies
OAB over active bladder
HA headache
hyperhidrosis abnormal condition of excessive sweating
cervical dystonia painful neck spasms
ton/e spasms
botulism toxin botox
rhytidectomy surgical removal of wrinkles
rhytidoplasty face lift
rhytidosis abnormal condition of excessive wrinkles
rhytid/o wrinkle
lipoectomy cosmetic surgical aspiration of adipose tissue
lipoatrophy no fat development
lipodystrophy difficult fat development
lipoma fat tumor
steatoma fat tumor
-oma tumor or mass
lip/o fat
steat/o fat
-ase enzyme
Created by: BunKnits
Popular Medical sets




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