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Term. Prefix
Prefix | Meaning |
A- | Without |
Ab-, Abs- | Away from |
Ad- | Towards, To |
Ambi- | Both, Around |
An- | Without |
Ana- | Up, Towards |
Ante- | Before |
Anti- | Against |
Apo- | Derived, Seperate |
Aut(o)- | Self |
Bi- | Twice, Double |
Brachy- | Short |
Brady- | Slow |
Cata- | Down |
Circum- | Around |
Co-, Col-, Com-, Con-, Cor-, | Together |
Contra- | Against |
De- | Away from |
Di-, Dif-, Dir-, Dis- | Not, Separated |
Dia- | Through |
Dys- | Abnormal, Difficult |
Ect(o)- | Outside |
End(o)- | Within |
Epi- | Over |
Eu- | Well, Normal, Good |
Ex- | Put of, Away from |
Exo- | External, On the outside |
Extra- | Without, Outside of |
Hemi- | Half |
Hyper- | Above normal; Overly |
Hypo- | Below normal |
Infra- | Positioned beneath |
Inter- | Between |
Intra- | Within |
Iso- | Equal, Same |
Mal- | Bad; Inadequate |
Meg(a)-, Megal(o) | Large |
Mes(o)- | Middle, Median |
Meta- | After |
Micr(o)- | Small, Microscopic |
Mon(o)- | Single |
Multi- | Many |
Olig(o) | Few; Little; Scrawny |
Pan-, Pant(o)- | All, Entire |
Par(a)- | Beside; Abnormal; Involving two parts |
Per- | Through, Intensely |
Peri- | Around, About, Near |
Pluri- | Several, More |
Poly- | Many |
Post- | After, Following |
Pre- | Before |
Pro- | Before, Forward |
Quadra-, Quadri- | Four |
Re- | Again, Backwards |
Retro- | Behind, Backwards |
Semi- | Half |
Sub- | Less than, Under, Inferior |
Super- | More than, Above, Superior |
Supra- | Above, Over |
Syl-, Sym-, Syn-, Sys- | Together |
Tachy- | Fast |
Trans- | Across, Through |
Ultra- | Beyond, Excessive |
Un- | Not |
Uni- | One |