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Advanced Medical Terminology Chapter 15 ROOM221
Term | Definition |
acetabul/o | acetabulum (hip socket) |
ankly/o | stiff |
arthr/o, articul/o | joint |
burs/o | bursa |
calc/o, calci/o | calcium |
calcane/o | calcaneus (heal) |
carp/o | carpals (wrist bones) |
chondr/o | cartilage |
calvicul/o | clavicle (collar bone) |
cost/o | ribs |
crani/o | cranium (skull) |
fasci/o | fascia |
femor/o | femur (thigh bones) |
fibr/o | fibrous |
fibul/o | fibula (smaller lower leg bone) |
humer/o | humerous (upper arm bone) |
ili/o | ilium (upper part of pelvic bone) |
ischi/o | ischium (part of pelvic bone) |
kyph/o | posterior curvature in thoracic region |
lamin/o | lamina |
leiomy/o | smooth muscle |
ligament/o | ligament |
lord/o | curve |
lumb/o | loins, lower back |
malleol/o | malleolus |
mandibul/o | mandible (lower jaw bone) |
maxill/o | maxilla (upper jaw bone) |
metacarp/o | metacarpals (hand bones) |
metatars/o | metatarsals (foot bones) |
my/o | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow |
myocardi/o | heart muscle |
myos/o | muscle |
olecran/o | olecranon (elbow) |
orth/o | straight |
oste/o | bone |
patell/o | patella (kneecap) |
pelv/i | pelvis |
perone/o | fibula |
phalang/o | phalanges (fingers, toe bones) |
plant/o | sole of the foot |
pub/o | pubis |
radi/o | radius |
rhabdomy/o | skeletal muscle connected to the bone |
rheumat/o | watery flow |
sarc/o | flesh, muscle |
scapul/o | scapula (shoulder blade) |
scoli/o | crooked |
spondyl/o, vertebr/o | vertebra |
stern/o | sterum (breastbone) |
synov/o | synovial membrane |
tars/o | tarsals |
ten/o, tendin/o | tendon |
tibi/o | tibia (shin bone) |
uln/o | ulna (lower arm bone) |