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Hematology & Coag.

Hematology & Coagulation Studies

ESR increased in an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis
eosinophil WBCs would be elevated during an allergic reaction
oxygen-carrying capacity determines the hemoglobin content of the RBCs
hematocrit volume of packed RBCs
120 days the RBC remains functional in the blood stream without a nucleus
RBCs most plentiful cellular component found in the blood
how many different WBCs are there? 5
thrombocyte main function hemostasis and providing a surface for clotting proteins
general causes of anemia blood loss, insufficient production of RBCs and excessive destruction of RBCs
CBC consists of WBC count, RBC count, Platelet estimate, WBC differential, hemoglobin, hematocrit and RBC indices
middle layer of a centrifuged blood sample, separtaed into 3 layers WBC and platelets
INR ratio that compares results to ensure consistency from one lab to another
lymphocyte second most plentiful WBC in a differential count
RBC indices indicators of anemia
patient with COPD and CHF may be more likely to have increased hemoglobin
sickle cell anemia inherited disorder caused by the presence of hemoglobin S
patient with elevated PT or INR are in danger of internal bleeding
pancytopenia decrease in all blood cell types
leukopenia low number of total WBCs also referred to as leukocytopenia
pernicious anemia decreased number of RBCs caused by a lack of vitamin B12
sickle cell anemia inherited disorder which causes a sickle-shaped RBC, interfering with the ability of the cell to carry oxygen
leukocytosis increase in. the total number of WBCs
thrombocytosis an overproduction of platelets
hemolytic anemia inherited or acquired disorder that results in the destruction of the RBCs
aplastic anemia anemia caused by bone marrow disorders that inhibit or decrease the productions of RBCs
erythrocytosis abnormal increase in the number of RBCs
leukemia malignant cancer of WBCs in which the bone marrow creates abnormal and dysfunctional WBCs
monocyte large, irregularly shaped nucleus
lymphocyte small count of cytoplasm surrounding a round to oval-shaped nuleus
basophil coarse purplish-black cytoplasmic granules
neutrophil pinkish-purple fine granules in the cytoplasm
eosinophil coarse organe-red granules in the cytoplasm
PT 10-13 seconds
aPTT 25-40 seconds
INR 0.8-1.1
Created by: jcabrera1
Popular Medical sets




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