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H&P General

Pt Assessment

Extra Heart Sounds (systolic) Heard btw S1 & S2Ejection: aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, HTNClicks: MVP
Extra Heart Sounds (diastolic) opening snap of mitral stenosis; physiologic or pathologic S3; or S4
pathologic S3 caused by Myocardial failure, tricuspid or mitral regurgitation
S4/atrial gallop caused by HTN, CAD, AS, cardiomyopathy, delayed AV conduction
Pericardial friction rub scraping sound 3rd space LSB = inflammation of pericardial sac
Venous Hum benign humming sound above clavicles = turbulence in the jugulars
Palpation (cardiovascular exam) Apex; Left Sternal Border; Base; Apical Impulse; Thrill, Lift, Heave; Carotid artery
Common auscultation sites for bruits Temporal; Subclavian; Carotid; Abdominal aorta; Renal/iliac/femoral
Acute occlusion (S/S) paresthesia (occasionally paralysis)
Edema is associated with: deep vein obstruction or valvular incompetence
Redness, thickening, & tenderness along a superficial vein suggests ____ thrombophlebitis
Homan’s sign Flex the knee slightly and dorsiflex the foot. Pain in the calf is a positive test
swelling, pain and tenderness over a vein suggests _______; confirm with _____ DVT; Doppler ultrasound
Presenting problems for peripheral vascular Leg Pain/Cramps; Dizziness; Severe Headaches; Swollen Ankles
visual acuity in the young Term infants visual acuity <20/40012 months – acuity 20/50Age 4 and older – 20/30
Hordeolum stye
Anisocoria difference in pupil sizes
expected response(s) in near reaction pupillary constriction and convergence
Ear development in the young Inner ear development in first trimesterInfants external auditory canal shorter than adultsInfants eustachian tube wider, shorter, more horizontal than adults
Created by: Abarnard
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