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Soc+vocab Ch 1-7

Vocab in the Soc+ text

social solidarity the degree to which group members share beliefs and values and the intensity and frequency of their interaction
values ideas about what is good and bad, right and wrong
egoistic suicide results from the poor integration of people into society because of weak social ties to others, according to Durkheim
anomic suicide occurs in setting that exhibit low levels of social solidarity. ___________ results from vaguely defined norms governing behavior.
social structures relatively stable patterns of behavior
sociological imagination mentality enabling the connection between personal troubles and social structures
patriarchy the traditional system of economic and political inequality between men and women
global structures international organizations, patterns of worldwide travel and communication, and the economic relations among countries
functionalism human behavior is governed by relatively stable social structures; reestablishing equilibrium can best solve most problems
conflict theory suggests eliminating privilege will lower the level of conflict and increase human welfare
protestant ethic religious doubts can be reduced and a state of grace assured if people work diligently and live ascetically
symbolic interactionism underscoring the subjective meanings people create in small social settings, validating unpopular and unofficial viewpoints, increasing our understanding and tolerance of people who may be different from us
sample frame list of all the people in the population of interest
detached observation involves classifying and counting the behavior of interest according to a predetermined scheme
analysis of existing documents and official statistics examines diaries, newspapers, published historical works and statistics produced by government agencies
postindustrial revolution technology-driven shift from manufacturing to service industries
non-material culture symbols, norms,...
latent function invisible and unintended effects of social structures
postmodernism eclectic mix of cultural elements from different times and places, erosion of authority, decline of consensus and core values
rationalization application of the most efficient means to achieve given goals and the unintended consequences Weber
Thomas Theorem situations we define as real become real in their consequences
self-socialization choosing socialization influences from the wide variety of mass media offerings
social category group composed of people who share similar status but do not identify with one another
deviance departing from norm with negative reaction
white collar crime committed by respectable, high status people in the course of work
feminization of poverty women more likely to be low wage earners; low-income gap between men and women growing
functional theory of stratification some jobs more important; sacrifice by training, inequality motivated sacrifices
parties organizations seeking to impose their will on others Weber
ascription based stratification rank depends on birth
modernization theory poor countries dysfunctional: lack capital, Western-style business techniques, stable governments
dependency theory global inequality from domination by rich countries in order to enrich themselves
core countries U.S., Japan, Germany
vertical mosaic highly ethnically and racially stratified society
symbolic ethnicity nostalgic allegiance to culture of immigrant generation
split labor market low-wage workers of one race and high wage workers of other race compete for same jobs
transitional communities communities whose boundaries extend across national borders
Created by: james22222222
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