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Cold War of McKinley

Yalta Conference meeting of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin near the end of World War II to decide what to do after the war; US and UK began to mistrust the Soviet Union
Potsdam Conference post-World War II conference where the US told the UK and Soviets it had an atomic bomb
Soviet Domination Soviet Union used its influence to control countries it had fought through at the end of World War II to get to Germany - because Germany had good beer and they wanted it.
satellite countries countries under the influence of a superpower; Soviet Union satellite countries were Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, etc.
Iron Curtain line that separated the democratic west and the communist east; originated by Winston Churchill in a speech in Missouri
superpowers countries that have the power to influence many other countries; after World War II it was the US and the Soviet Union
domino effect belief that if one country became communist, other countries around it would fall like dominos
containment US policy to stop the spread of communism around the world OR locking up my kids to keep them from wreaking havoc in the world
division of Germany the US, France, UK, and Soviet Union divided Germany into zones after World War II
division of Berlin the capital of Germany was divided into zones after World War II
Truman Doctrine US policy to help any democratic country around the world to resist communism
Marshall Plan US money given to European countries after World War II to rebuild their economies; about $13 billion dollars
Berlin Blockade Soviet action of blocking all road, rail, and water access to West Berlin in 1948-49
Berlin Airlift Allied action of flying in supplies to West Berlin in 1948-49; Operation Vittles
alignment countries choosing sides in the Cold War
non-alignment countries that chose not to side with either the US or the Soviet Union during the Cold War
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization; defense treaty led by the US where countries pledge to come to each other's aid if any were attacked
Warsaw Pact defense treaty led by the Soviet Union where countries pledge to come to each other's aid if any were attacked
Kitchen Debate argument over the merits of democracy and communism between Nixon and Khrushchev OR having a food fight in the kitchen
Hungarian Uprising revolt against the policies of the communist government of Hungary; the Soviet Union's army crushed the revolt in 1956
Korean War 1950-53; Americans helped South Korea fight off an attack from the communist North Koreans (with their allies China and the Soviet Union); the war ended in a stalemate
DMZ demilitarized zone that serves as a buffer between North and South Korea
Sputnik first satellite in space, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957; name means traveler
espionage spying on other countries during the Cold War using a variety of different gadgets and methods
common spy equipment hidden knives, pocket guns, suicide pills, hidden cameras, bugs, etc.
Nikita Khrushchev leader of the Soviet Union 1958-1964
Harry S. Truman President of the United States 1945-1953
Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the United States 1953-1961
John F. Kennedy President of the United States 1961-1963
Space Race competition between the US and Soviet Union to get satellites and manned spacecraft into outer space
U2 incident American spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960; pilot Francis Gary Powers was captured
Building of the Berlin Wall On August 15, 1961, the Soviets began building a wall between East and West Berlin to stop their citizens from fleeing to the West
Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961 American plan to attack Cuba with exiled rebels and overthrow the communist government; failed and America was humiliated
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Soviet attempt to install missiles on Cuba aimed at the US; America stopped shipments by a blockade and the missiles were eventually removed
Prague Spring period of liberalization of communist policies in Czechoslovakia in 1968; Soviet army invaded and crushed all reform
Apollo Moon Landing Americans became the first humans to step foot on the Moon in July, 1969
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks designed to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world
Vietnam War proxy war in Southeast Asia over the spread of communism
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979 Soviet attempt to support the communist government
Leonid Brezhnev leader of the Soviet Union 1964-1982
SDI/Star Wars strategic defense initiative that would use spaced-based lasers and other weapons to protect the US from a nuclear attack; proposed by Ronald Reagan in 1983
Margaret Thatcher first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; served from 1979-1990
Ronald Reagan President of the United States 1981-1989
Pope John Paul II leader of the Catholic Church 1978-2005
Solidarity Polish labor union that became a anti-communist movement
Fall of the Berlin Wall November 9, 1989 the wall dividing East and West Berlin was torn down
Mikhail Gorbachev leader of the Soviet Union 1985-1991
glasnost Soviet "openness" on political and social issues under Gorbachev
perestroika Soviet economic "restructuring" under Gorbachev
nationalist movements attempt by different ethnic groups and regions to break away from the Soviet Union and become independent
August Coup 1991 attempt by hardliners to overthrow Gorbachev in the Soviet Union and re-impose strict communism; it failed
Boris Yeltsin first president of the Russian Federation 1991-1999
Jimmy Carter President of the United States 1977-1981
George H.W. Bush President of the United States 1989-1993
Created by: Brando!
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