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SSCT C6 Skeletal

SSCT Chapter Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 6 Skeletal Bones

Forehead bone Frontal
Bone above the nose Nasal
Cheek Bone Zygomatic
Bone above the mouth and surrounding the lower part of the nose Maxilla
Jaw bone Mandible
Collar Bone Clavicle
Top chest bone Manubrium
Shoulder blade scapula
chest bone Sternum
Attaches the ribs the the sternum Costal Cartilage
Ribs Ribs
Small bone located at the bottom of the sternum and rib cage Xiphoid process
Spine Vertebral Column
Upper arm bone Humerus
Lower arm bone, top bone radius
lower arm bone, bottom ulna
Hip bone Ilium
butt bone ischium
pubic bone pubis
V-shaped bone above the tailbone Sacrum
Tailbone Coccyx
wrist bones carpals
bones in palm of hand metacarpals
fingers & toes phalanges
Above the femur and attaches to the hip bone Greater trochanter
Thigh bone (longest bone in the body) Femur
Knee bone Patella
Large lower leg bone Tibia
small lower leg bone fibula
Foot Bones between heal and Metatarsals Tarsals
Foot bones located between tarsals and phalanges metatarsals
Bone that covers the back upper and side portions of the head parietal bone
bone that cover the lower back of the head occipital bone
7 bones that support the neck Cervical vertebrae
tip of shoulder Acromion process
shoulder blade scapula
12 bones that make up the part of the spine located behind the chest area Thoracic Vertebrae
5 bones that make up the lower back Lumbar vertebrae
Heal bone calcaneus
Ilium, ischium & pubis make up the Coxal bone
formation of blood hemopoiesis
Humerus & femur examples of the long bones
carpals example of short bone
skull bones (i.e. frontal) example of flat bone
vertebrae example of irregular bone
Long portion of the bone, Shaft, a hollow tube made of hard, compact bone, hence a rigid and stong structure light enough in weight to permit easy movement. diaphysis
Core, the hollow area inside the diaphysis of a bone, contains soft yellow bone marrow medullary cavity
Bone ends, red bone marrow fills in small spaces in the spongy bone composing the epiphyses epiphyses
thin layer of cartilage covering the epiphysis (the bone end) articular cartilage
exterior shell, a strong fibrous membrane covering a long bone everywhere except at joint surfaces periosteium
interior shell, a thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity endosteum
Osteon - central canal, lamellae, canaliculi, lacuna, osteocyte Compact Bone
trabeculue, osteocyte Spongy bone
a extremely narrow tubular passage or channel in compact bone canaliculi
ring of calcified matrix surrounding the Haversian canal concentric lamellae
thin layer, as of bone lamellae
space or cavity (ie. contains bone cells in bone) lacuna
bone cell Osteocyte
bone absorbing cell osteoclast
bone forming cell osteoblast
needlike threads of spongy bone that surround a network of spaces trabeculae
located at the ends of bones, contain red bone marrow spongy bones
lays down bone matrix; builds bone osteoblast
maintains bone osteocyte
tears down bone osteoclast
bone disease in which there is an excessive loss of calcified matrix and collagenous fibers from bone osteoporosis
Allows your head to turn Atlas & Axis
joint articulation
only bone that does not articulate with another bone hyoid
joint has not movement synarthroses
fibrous connective tissue holds 2 bones together (joint) synarthroses
sutures in the skull (joint) synarthroses
slight movement joint amphiarthroses
Joint that has cartilage between bones - allows some movement amphiarthroses
symphysis pubis; joints between vertebrae amphiarthroses
freely movable joint diarthroses
joint capsule; joint cavity diarthroses
many types; majority of joints in body diarthroses
Shoulder & hip ball & socket joint
elbow hinge joint
atlas & axis pivot joint
thumb saddle joint
vertebrae gliding joint
wrist condyloid
Created by: dmdisme
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