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Female Reproductive

Abortion (AB) (abort= to miscarry) (-ion= process) Process of miscarrying (either spontaneous or induced); termination of the pregnancy before the fetus is viable.
Abortion (AB) (abort= to miscarry) (-ion= process) Process of miscarrying (either spontaneous or induced); termination of the pregnancy before the fetus is viable.
Adnexa Accessory parts of a structure; adnexa uteri refers to the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Amenorrhea (a-= lack of) (men/o= mouth, menses, menstruation) (-rrhea= flow) Lack of the monthly flow (menses or menstruation)
Bartholinitis (batholin=bartholin glands) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of Bartholin glands.
Bartholinitis (batholin=bartholin glands) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of Bartholin glands.
Cervicitis (cervic= cervix) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of the uterine cervix
Cervicitis (cervic= cervix) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of the uterine cervix
Cesarean section( (CS, C-section) Delivery of the fetus by means of an incision through the abdominal cavity and then into the uterus.
Colposcope (colp/o= vagina) (-scope
Cesarean section( (CS, C-section) Delivery of the fetus by means of an incision through the abdominal cavity and then into the uterus.
Colposcope (colp/o= vagina) (-scope= instrument for examining) Medical instrument used to examine the vagina and cervix by means of magnifying lens
Contraception (contra-= against) (cept= receive) (-ion= process) Process of preventing conception
Culdocentesis (culd/o= cul-de-sac) (-centesis= sergical puncture) Surgical puncture of the cul-de-sac for removal of fluid
Cystocele (cyst/o= bladder) (-cele= hernia) Hernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina
Doppler ultrasound Procedure using an audio transformation of high-frequency sounds to monitor the fetal heartbeat
Dysmenorrhea (dys-= difficult, painful) (men/o= month, menses, menstruation) (-rrhea= flow) Difficult or painful monthly flow )menses or menstruation)
Dyspareunia (dys- difficult, pain) (pareun= lying beside, sexual intercourse) (-ia= condition) Difficult or painful sexual intercourse (copulation)
Eclampsia (ec-= out) (lamp(s)= to shine) (-ia= condition) Complication of severe preeclampsia that involves seizures; also known as toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
Ectopic pregnancy A pregnancy that occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted in one of various sites, the most common being a fallopian tube; also referred to as a tubal pregnancy
Endometriosis (endo-= within) (metr/i= uterus) (-osis= condition) Pathological condition in which endometrial tissue has been displaced to various sites in the abdominal or pelvic cavity.
Fibroma (fibr= fibrous tissue) (-oma= tumor) Fibrous tissue tumor; also called fibroid tumor, the most common benign tumor found in women.
Genitalia (genital= belonging to birth) (-ia= condition) Male or femael reproductive organs.
Gravida Refers to any pregnancy, regardless of duration, including the present one; when used in the recording of an obstetrical history, indicates the number of pregnancies
Group B streptococcus (GBS) Type of bacterium commonly found in the vagina and intestinal tract; found in 10%-25% of all pregnant women; it can cause life-threatening infections in the newborn
Gynecologist (gynec/o= female) (log= study of) (-ist= one who specializes) Physician who specializes in the study of the female, especially the diseases of the female reproductive organs and the breast.
Gynecology (GYN) (gynec/o= female) (-logy= study of) Study of the female, especially the diseases of the female reproductive organs and the breasts
Hymenectomy (hymen= hymen) (-ectomy= surgical excision) Surgical excision of the membranous fold of tissue (the hymen) that partially or completely covers the vaginal opening
Hysterectomy (hyster= womb, uterus) (-ectomy=surgical excision) Surgical excision of the uterus
Hysteroscope (hyster/o= womb,uterus) (-scope= instrument for examining) Instrument used to in the biopsy of uterine tissue before 12 weeks of gestation. This tissue is then analyzed for chromosome arrangement, DNA sequence, and genetic defects.
Intrauterine (intra-= within) (uter= uterus) (-ine= pertaining to) Pertaining to within the uterus
Laser ablation Procedure that uses a laser to destroy the uterine lining; may also be called endometrial ablation.
Lina nigra Dark line on the abdomen that runs from above the umbilicus to the pubis during pregnancy
Lochia Vaginal discharge occurring after childbirth
Lumpectomy (lump= lump) (-ectomy= surgical excision) Surgical removal of a tumor from the breast.
Mammoplasty (mamm/o= breast) (-plasty= surgical repair) Surgical repair of the breast
Mastectomy (mast= breast) (-ectomy= surgical excision) Surgical excision of the breast can involve a modified radical or a radical mastectomy
Created by: ch1017
Popular Medical sets




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