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Ch 13 O Terms

Acquiring Medical Language

amastia absence of breast
cervical dysplasia bad formation of cervical cells
colpoptosis downward displacement of the vagina
episiostenosis narrowing of the vulvar opening
hematosalpinx blockage in a fallopian tube caused by blood
hydrosalpinx blockage in a fallopian tube caused by water (or any clear fluid)
hypermastia excessively large breasts
hypomastia abnormally small breasts
hysteroptosis downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
macromastia abnormally large breasts
micromastia abnormally small breasts
oophorocystosis ovarian cysts
pyosalpinx blockage of a fallopian tube caused by pus
uterine prolapse downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
cervicography procedure for imaging the cervix
colposcope instrument used to examine the vagina
colposcopy procedure for examining the vagina
hysterosalpingogram record of the uterus and fallopian tubes
hysteroscope instrument for examining the uterus
hysteroscopy procedure for examining the uterus
mammogram record of a breast exam
Pap smear test used to detect cancer cells; most commonly in the cervix
sonohysterography procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus
transvaginal sonography imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted into the vagina
vaginoscope instrument used to examine the vagina
endometrium inner layer of uterine tissue
gynecologist specialist in medical issues specific to women
gynocology study of medical issues specific to women
menarche beginning of menstruation
myometrium middle layer of uterine muscle tissue
perimetrium tissue on the outside of the uterus
speculum device for examining a body cavity, most commonly the vagina
bradytochia slow labor
cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) condition characterized by the inability of the mother's pelvis to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal
congenital anomaly irregular condition that is present at the time of birth
dystocia difficult labor
eutochia normal labor
gravida ancient term for pregnant
hysterocele hernia of the uterus
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
lactogenic causing the formation of milk
lactorrhea discharge of milk
macrosomia baby with a large body
microcephalus baby with a small head
oligohydramniois not enough amniotic fluid
polyhydramnios excessive amniotic fluid
teratogenic causing the formation of birth defects
amniocentesis surgical puncture of the amnion
amnioscope instrument for examining the amnion
amnioscopy procedure for examining the amnion
cardiotocograph instrument for recording the baby's heart rate during contractions; also known as a fetal heart monitor
fetometry procedure for measuring the fetus
hysterography procedure for imaging the uterus
pelvic sonograph instrument for imaging the pelvis using sound waves
pelvicephalometry procedure for measuring the head size of the baby and the pelvis size of the mother
pelvimetry procedure for measuring the pelvis
tocodynagraph instrument for recording the strength of labor contractions
tocography procedure for recording the strength of labor contractions
antepartum time before birth
intrapartum time during birth
lactation production of milk
natal pertaining to birth
neonatal pertaining to the new birth; normally the first 28 days after birth
neonatologist specialist in the neonatal period
neonatology study of the neonatal period
obstetrician specialist in pregnancy, labor and delivery of newborns
obstetrics branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor and delivery of newborns
perinatal time around the birth; normally ranging from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after birth
perinatologist specialist in the perinatal period
perinatology branch of medicine dealing with the perinatal period
postnatal pertaining to after birth (focus is on the baby)
postpartum pertaining to after birth (focus is on the mother)
prenatal pertaining to before birth
teratology branch of medicine dealing with the study of birth defects and their causes
Created by: DarrinWan
Popular Medical sets




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