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Flavin PHB101 wk2 19

Flavin PHB101 wk 2 Microbiology 2019

Only 1% of microorganisms are known _____. pathogens
Our bodies survive using the beneficial _____ in our intestines flora
______seeks to identify organisms responsible for disease. Microbiology
Classification of Microorganisms Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa
Viruses are ____alive not
Identification of bacteria begins with the observation of their ______. morphology
Those that require oxygen to live are called ______. aerobes
Those that die in the presence of _______ are anaerobes oxygen
Unusual Pathogenic Bacteria Chlamydia, mycoplasmas, and rickettsiae
_______are worms, dx by examination of feces and s/s Helminths
________are single-celled, in contaminated food, drinks, feces. Protozoa
In children, specimens are best collected late at night or early in the morning for ____before a bowel movement, urination, or bathing. Pinworm Parasite
A _____ “direct” immunology test demonstrates the presence of the pathogen’s antigen rapid
A ______test results should be confirmed with a throat culture. negative
_______agents are available to treat RSV infection. Antiviral
A ______ is designed to demonstrate the reaction between antigen and antibody. CLIA-Waived Immunology Testing
Amount of antibody at any given time can be measured with serologic testing and is referred to as the _____. titer
______ is a spiral-shaped bacterium that causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and more than 80% of gastric ulcers. H. pylori
You can use pencil and or white out in the medical field. NO
Every page should have what information on it front and back. Printed FULL NAME & DOS
UTI is the dx for inf.
C&S is what happens to the UA to determine the bacteria & Rx used to treat it.
Bacteria doubles every ____ minutes. 20
Invasive microorganisms induce an ______response, leading to the production of a variety of molecular anti¬bodies that come to our defense. immune
Urinary tract infections are transmitted by ______ascending the urethra and by catheterization. bacilli
In the dx of hep B virus inf, the serum is either tested for the specific _____ that is produced to fight hep B surface antigen (HBsAg), a protein found in the shell of the virus, or the test will detect the hepatitis B surface antigen directly. antibody
Collection devices typically consist of a plastic tube that encases a sterile Dacron swab and a sealed vial of ____medium. transport
Humans are infected by ingesting mature eggs through hand-to-mouth transfers, feces-contaminated fingers, or feces-contaminated foods or liquids or by _________ in air currents from infected areas. inhaling eggs
Rapid strep testing is commonly performed in the ___ and can be completed while the patient waits. POL
___ is a major cause of upper and lower respiratory tract infec¬tions and the major cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children and infants. RSV
____ disease is the most common insect-borne infectious disease in North America, and it is a significant public health concern. Lyme
For the _______, a red primary dye (carbolfuchsin) is applied first, then the decolorizer (acid-alcohol) is applied, followed by a counterstain (methylene blue). acid-fast stain
Created by: Iteach4Docs
Popular Medical sets




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