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Ch 12 O Terms

Acquiring Medical Language

albuminuria protein in the urine
azotemia excess nitrogen in the urine
azotorrhea excessive discharge of nitrogen
azoturia excess nitrogen in the urine
cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder
dispogenic creating thirst
glucosuria sugar in the urine
glycosuria sugar in the urine
hyperkalemia excessive potassium in the urine
hyponatremia low sodium in the blood
ketolysis breakdown of ketones
ketonuria presence of ketones in the urine
meatal stenosis narrowing of the opening of the urethra
nephroptosis downward displacement of a kidney
nephrosis kidney condition
uremia urine in the blood
ureterocele hernia of a ureter
ureterolithiasis presence of stones in a ureter
ureterostenosis narrowing of a ureter
urethrospasm involuntary contraction of the urethra
urethrostenosis narrowing of the urethra
cystogram image of the bladder
cystography process for recording/imaging the bladder
cystoscopy process for examining the bladder
meatoscope instrument for examining the opening of the urethra
meatoscopy process for examining the opening of the urethra
nephrogram image of a kidney
nephrography procedure for imaging a kidney
nephroscopy procedure for examining a kidney
nephrosonography procedure for examining a kidney using sound waves
pyelogram image of the renal pelvis
renal angiogram image of a kidney blood vessel
renal angiography process of imaging of a kidney blood vessel
renal arteriogram image of a kidney artery
resectoscope instrument for examining and cutting (usually the prostate)
retrograde pyelogram image of the renal pelvis produced by injecting a contrast dye from the bladder to the kidney
ultrasonography imaging procedure using high-frequency sound waves
ureteroscopy process of examining a ureter
urethroscope instrument for examining the urethra
urethroscopy process of examining the urethra
urinalysis (UA) analysis of the urine
voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) imaging procedure of the bladder and urethra produced during urination
nephrology study of the kidneys
urologist specialist of the urinary tract
urology study of the urinary tract
uropoiesis formation of urine
uroxanthin substance in urine that makes it yellow
voiding another term for urination
anorchidism lack of a testicle
aspermia condition characterized by lack of sperm
azoospermia condition characterized by lack of living sperm
cryptorchidism hidden testicle
hydrocele fluid-filled mass in a testicle
hypospadias birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis
oligospermia condition characterized by low sperm production
phimosis contraction of the foreskin of the penis , preventing it from being retracted
prostatolith stone in the prostate
prostatomegaly abnormal enlargement of the prostate
prostatorrhea discharge from the prostate
seminoma type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue
spermatocele hernia or distension of the epididymus caused by sperm cells
spermatolysis destruction of sperm cells
digital rectal exam (DRE) examination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum
transrectal ultrasonography procedure using a probe inserted into the rectum using high-frequency sound waves to scan through the rectum to nearby tissue (most commonly the prostate)
urethrogram image of the urethra
ejaculation emission of semen from the urethra
gonads pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; in males, they are the testicles, and in females, they are the ovaries
spermatogenesis creation of sperm
vas deferens vessel carrying sperm from the testicles
Created by: DarrinWan
Popular Medical sets




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