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Question | Answer |
A | No; not; without |
An | Pertaining to |
Ab | Away from |
Ad | Toward |
Alb | White |
Ambi | Both sides |
Ante | Before; forward |
Anti | Against |
Auto | Self |
Bi | 2 |
Tri | 3 |
Brady | Slow |
Tacky | Fast |
Bio | Life |
Contra | Against |
Dia | Complete; through |
Dys | Bad; difficult |
Endo | Inside; within |
Ecto | Out, outside |
Eosin | Red; Rosie |
Erthr | Red |
Epi | Upon/above |
Hemi | Half |
Semi | Partial |
Uni | 1 |
Sub | Under |
Supra | Above |
Tri | 3 |
Trans | Across |
Leuk | White |
Inter | Between |
Infra | Below, inferior, beneath |
Hypo | Low |
Hyper | High |
Pan | All |
Para | Near/beside |
Retro | Behind |
Quadri | Four |
Peri | Around |
Post | After |
Poly | Many |
Jaund | Yellow |
Cirrh | Orange, yellow, |
Pseud | False |
Pre | Before |
Chlor | Green |
Meso | Middle |
Primi | First |
Sym | Together |
Mono | 1 |
Syn | Joined together |
Juxtra | Near / beside |
Xanth | Yellow or tawny |
Melano | Dark, black |
Meta | Change / beyond |
Intra | Within |
Cyan | Blue |
Prefixes express | Numbers, measurements, position, direction, negative, and color |
Between, under, round, away from, upon, over, within, near,middle, below, Behind, above, across | Prefixes that express position, direction, & location |
Color in reactions, growths or rashes, body fluid, red, blue, green, yellow, white, black, gray, purple | Prefixes express color |
Not, without, lack of, against | Prefixes express negatives |