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Integumentary system
Term | Definition |
Acne | Inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles; pimples |
Acrochordon (acr/o= extermity) (chord= cord) (-on= pertaining to) | Small outgrowth of epidermal and dermal tissue; skin tags |
Actinic Dermatitis (actin= ray) (-ic= pertaining to) (dermat= skin) (-itis= inflammation) | Inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to radiant energy, such as x-rays, ultraviolet light, and sunlight. |
Albinism (albin= white) (-ism= condition) | Genetic condition in which there is partial or total absence of pigment in skin, hair, and eyes |
Alopecia (a-= without, lack of) (lopec= fox mange) (-ia= condition) | Absence or loss of hair, especially of the head; baldness |
Anhidrosis (an-= without, lack of) (hidr= sweat) (-osis= condition) | Abnormal condition in which there is lack of or complete absence of sweating. May be congenital or disease related, generalized or localized, temporary or permanent. |
Autograft (auto-= self) (-graft= pencil, grafting knife) | Graft taken from one part of the patient's body and transferred to another part of that same patient |
Avulsion (a-= away from) (vuls= to pull)= (-ion= process) | Process of forcibly tearing off a part or structure of the body, such as a finger or toe |
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) (carcin= cancer) (-oma= tumor) | Epithelial malignant tumor of the skin that rarely metastasizes. It usually begins as a small, shiny papule and enlarges to form a whitish border around a central depression. |
Bite | Injury in which a part of the skin is torn by an insect, animal, or human, resulting in combination of an abrasion, puncture, or laceration |
Boil | Acute, infected, painful nodule formed in the subcutaneous layers of the skin, glands, or hair follicle; most often caused by the invasion of staphylococci; furuncle |
Bulla | Larger blister; bleb |
Burn | Injury to tissue caused by heat, fire, chemical agents, electricity, lightning, or radiation; classified according to degree or depth of skin damage. The three classifications are first degree, second degree, and third degree. |
Candidiasis | Infection of the skin or mucous membranes with any species of Candida but chiefly Candida albicans. |
Carbuncle | Infection of the subcutaneous tissue, usually composed of a cluster of boils |
Causalgia (caus= burning) (-algia= pain) | Intense burning pain associated with trophic skin changes such as thinning of hair and loss of sweat glands due to peripheral nerve damage |
Cellulitis (cellul= little cell) (-itis= inflammation) | An acute, diffuse inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue characterized by local heat, redness, pain, and swelling. |
Cicatrix | Scar left after the healing of a wound |
Comedo | Blackhead |
Corn | Condition of horny induration and thickening of the skin that may be soft or hard depending on location; caused by pressure, friction, or both from ill-fitting shoes |
Cryosurgery | Technique of using subfreezing temperature (usually with liquid nitrogen) to produce well-demarcated areas of cell injury and destruction |
Cutaneous (cutane= skin) (-ous= pertaining to) | Pertaining to skin |
Cyst | Closed sac that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material |
Debridement | Removal of foreign material or damaged or dead tissue, especially in a wound. It is used to promote healing and prevent infection. |
Decubitus (decub) Ulcer (de-= sown) (cubit= lie down) (-us= pertaining to) | An area of skin and tissue that becomes injured or broken down. Also known as bedsore or pressure ulcer. |
Dermabrasion | Surgical procedure to remove acne scars, nevi, tattoos, or fine wrinkles on the skin by using sandpaper, wire brushes, or other abrasive materials on an anesthetized epidermis |
Dermatitis (dermat= skin) (-itis= inflammation) | Inflammation of the skin |
Dermatologist (dermat/o= skin) (log= study of) (-ist= one who specializes) | Physician who specializes in the study of skin |
Dermatology (Derm) (dermat/o= skin) (ology= study of) | Study of skin |
Dermatome (derm/a= skin) (-tome= instrument to cut) | Surgical instrument used to cut the skin for grafting |
Dermomycosis (derm/o= skin) (myc= fungus) (-osis= condition) | Skin condition caused by a fungus; also called dermatomycosis or tinea |
Ecchymosis (ec-= out) (chym= juice) (-osis=condition) | Abnormal condition in which the blood seeps into the skin causing discolorations raging from blue-black to greenish yellow; bruise |
Eczema | An acute or chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crust, or scabs alone or in combination. |
Erythema | Redness of the skin; may be caused by capillary congestion, inflammation, heat, sunlight, or cold temperature. |
Erythroderma (erythr/o= red) (-derma= skin) | Abnormal redness of the skin occurring over widespread areas of he body |
Eschar | Slough, scab |
Excoriation (ex-= Out) (coriat= corium) (-ion= process) | Abrasion of the epidermis by scratching, trauma, chemicals, or burns |
Exudate | An oozing of pus or serum |
Folliculitis (follicul= little bag) (-itis= inflammation) | Inflammation of a follicle of follicles. |
Gangrene | Literally means an eating sore. It is a necrosis, or death, of tissue or bone that usually results from a deficient or absent blood supply to the are. |
Herpes Simplez | An inflammatory skin disease caused by herpes virus (type 1); cold sore or fever blister. |
Hidradenitis (hidr= sweat) (aden= gland) (-itis= inflammation) | Inflammation of the swat glands |
Hives | Eruption of itching and burning swellings on the skin; uricaria |
Hyperhidrosis (hyper-= excessive) (hidr= sweat) (-osis= condition) | Abnormal condition of excessive sweating |
Hypodermic (hypo-= Under) (derm= skin) (-ic= pertaining to) | Pertaining to under the skin or inserted under the skin, as a hypodermic injection |
Icteric (icter= jaundice) (-ic= pertaining to) | Pertaining to jaundice |
Impetigo | Skin infection marked by vesicles or bullae; usually caused by streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph) |
Integumentary (integument= a covering) (-ary= pertaining to) | Covering; the skin, consisting of the dermis and the epidermis |
Intradermal (ID) (intra- within) (derm= skin) (-al= pertaining to) | Pertaining to within the skin, as an intradermal injection |