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Integumentary system

Acne Inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and the hair follicles; pimples
Acrochordon (acr/o= extermity) (chord= cord) (-on= pertaining to) Small outgrowth of epidermal and dermal tissue; skin tags
Actinic Dermatitis (actin= ray) (-ic= pertaining to) (dermat= skin) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to radiant energy, such as x-rays, ultraviolet light, and sunlight.
Albinism (albin= white) (-ism= condition) Genetic condition in which there is partial or total absence of pigment in skin, hair, and eyes
Alopecia (a-= without, lack of) (lopec= fox mange) (-ia= condition) Absence or loss of hair, especially of the head; baldness
Anhidrosis (an-= without, lack of) (hidr= sweat) (-osis= condition) Abnormal condition in which there is lack of or complete absence of sweating. May be congenital or disease related, generalized or localized, temporary or permanent.
Autograft (auto-= self) (-graft= pencil, grafting knife) Graft taken from one part of the patient's body and transferred to another part of that same patient
Avulsion (a-= away from) (vuls= to pull)= (-ion= process) Process of forcibly tearing off a part or structure of the body, such as a finger or toe
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) (carcin= cancer) (-oma= tumor) Epithelial malignant tumor of the skin that rarely metastasizes. It usually begins as a small, shiny papule and enlarges to form a whitish border around a central depression.
Bite Injury in which a part of the skin is torn by an insect, animal, or human, resulting in combination of an abrasion, puncture, or laceration
Boil Acute, infected, painful nodule formed in the subcutaneous layers of the skin, glands, or hair follicle; most often caused by the invasion of staphylococci; furuncle
Bulla Larger blister; bleb
Burn Injury to tissue caused by heat, fire, chemical agents, electricity, lightning, or radiation; classified according to degree or depth of skin damage. The three classifications are first degree, second degree, and third degree.
Candidiasis Infection of the skin or mucous membranes with any species of Candida but chiefly Candida albicans.
Carbuncle Infection of the subcutaneous tissue, usually composed of a cluster of boils
Causalgia (caus= burning) (-algia= pain) Intense burning pain associated with trophic skin changes such as thinning of hair and loss of sweat glands due to peripheral nerve damage
Cellulitis (cellul= little cell) (-itis= inflammation) An acute, diffuse inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue characterized by local heat, redness, pain, and swelling.
Cicatrix Scar left after the healing of a wound
Comedo Blackhead
Corn Condition of horny induration and thickening of the skin that may be soft or hard depending on location; caused by pressure, friction, or both from ill-fitting shoes
Cryosurgery Technique of using subfreezing temperature (usually with liquid nitrogen) to produce well-demarcated areas of cell injury and destruction
Cutaneous (cutane= skin) (-ous= pertaining to) Pertaining to skin
Cyst Closed sac that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material
Debridement Removal of foreign material or damaged or dead tissue, especially in a wound. It is used to promote healing and prevent infection.
Decubitus (decub) Ulcer (de-= sown) (cubit= lie down) (-us= pertaining to) An area of skin and tissue that becomes injured or broken down. Also known as bedsore or pressure ulcer.
Dermabrasion Surgical procedure to remove acne scars, nevi, tattoos, or fine wrinkles on the skin by using sandpaper, wire brushes, or other abrasive materials on an anesthetized epidermis
Dermatitis (dermat= skin) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of the skin
Dermatologist (dermat/o= skin) (log= study of) (-ist= one who specializes) Physician who specializes in the study of skin
Dermatology (Derm) (dermat/o= skin) (ology= study of) Study of skin
Dermatome (derm/a= skin) (-tome= instrument to cut) Surgical instrument used to cut the skin for grafting
Dermomycosis (derm/o= skin) (myc= fungus) (-osis= condition) Skin condition caused by a fungus; also called dermatomycosis or tinea
Ecchymosis (ec-= out) (chym= juice) (-osis=condition) Abnormal condition in which the blood seeps into the skin causing discolorations raging from blue-black to greenish yellow; bruise
Eczema An acute or chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized by erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales, crust, or scabs alone or in combination.
Erythema Redness of the skin; may be caused by capillary congestion, inflammation, heat, sunlight, or cold temperature.
Erythroderma (erythr/o= red) (-derma= skin) Abnormal redness of the skin occurring over widespread areas of he body
Eschar Slough, scab
Excoriation (ex-= Out) (coriat= corium) (-ion= process) Abrasion of the epidermis by scratching, trauma, chemicals, or burns
Exudate An oozing of pus or serum
Folliculitis (follicul= little bag) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of a follicle of follicles.
Gangrene Literally means an eating sore. It is a necrosis, or death, of tissue or bone that usually results from a deficient or absent blood supply to the are.
Herpes Simplez An inflammatory skin disease caused by herpes virus (type 1); cold sore or fever blister.
Hidradenitis (hidr= sweat) (aden= gland) (-itis= inflammation) Inflammation of the swat glands
Hives Eruption of itching and burning swellings on the skin; uricaria
Hyperhidrosis (hyper-= excessive) (hidr= sweat) (-osis= condition) Abnormal condition of excessive sweating
Hypodermic (hypo-= Under) (derm= skin) (-ic= pertaining to) Pertaining to under the skin or inserted under the skin, as a hypodermic injection
Icteric (icter= jaundice) (-ic= pertaining to) Pertaining to jaundice
Impetigo Skin infection marked by vesicles or bullae; usually caused by streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph)
Integumentary (integument= a covering) (-ary= pertaining to) Covering; the skin, consisting of the dermis and the epidermis
Intradermal (ID) (intra- within) (derm= skin) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to within the skin, as an intradermal injection
Created by: ch1017
Popular Medical sets




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