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Organization of body

Homeostasis A state of equilibrium that is maintained within the body's internal environment
Adipose (adip= fat) (-ose= pertaining to) Pertaining to fatty tissue throughout the body
Ambilateral (ambi-= both) (later= side) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to both sides
Android (andr= man) (-oid= resemble) To resemble man
Apex Pointed end of a cone-shaped structure
Base Lower part or foundation of a structure
Bilateral (bi-= two) (later= side) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to two sides
Biology (bi/o= life) (-ology= study of) Study of life
Center Middle or mid point of abody
Chromosome (chromo-= color) (-some=body) Microscopic bodies in the nucleus that carry the genes that determine hereditary characteristics
Cytology (cyt/o= cell) (-ology= study of) Sstudy of cells
Dehydrate (de-= down, away from) (hydr= water) (-ate= use, action) To remove eater; to lose or be deprives of water from the body; to become dry
Anatomy (ana-= up;apart) (-tomy=incision) Literally means to cut up or to cut apart; the study of the structure of an organism such as humans.
Diffusion (dif-= apart) (fus= to pour) (-ion= process) The process whereby particles in a fluid move from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration, resulting in an even distribution of the particles in the fluid.
Ectomorph (ecto-= outside) (-morph= form, shape) Slender physical body form; linear physique
Endomorph (endo-= within) (-morph= form, shape) Round and soft physical body form
Filtration (filtrat= to strain through) (-ion= process) Process of filtering or straining particles from a solution
Gene Hereditary unit that transmits and determines one's characteristics or hereditary traits
Histology (hist/o= tissue) (-ology= study of) Study of tissue
Homeostasis (homeo-= similar, same) (-stasis= control, stop, stand still) State of equilibrium maintained in the body's internal environment; an important fundamental principle of physiology that permits a body to maintain constant internal environment despite changes in the external environment.
Horizontal (horizon= horizon) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to the horizon, of or near the horizon, lying flat,even, level
Human genome Complete set of genes and chromosomes tucked inside each of the body's trillions of cells
Inguinal (inguin= grion) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to the groin, of or near the groin
Internal (intern= within) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to within or the inside
Karyogenesis (kary/o= cell's nucleus) (-genesis= formation, produce) Formation of a cell's nucleus
Lateral(Lat, lat) (later= side) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to the side
Medial (medi= toward the middle) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to the middle
Mesomorph (meso-= middle) (-morph= form, shape) Well-proportioned body form marked by predominance of tissue derived from the mesoderm (the middle layer of cells in the developing embryo)
Organic (organ= organ) (-ic= pertaining to) Pertaining to an organ or organs; pertaining to or derived from vegetable or animal forms of life
Pathology (path/o= disease) (-ology= study of) Study of disease
Perfusion (per-= through) (fus= to pour) (-ion= process) Literally means a process of pouring through; as passing of fluid through spaces; to supply the body with nutritive fluid via the bloodstream
Phenotype (phen/o= to show) (-type= type) Physical appearance or type of makeup of an individual
Physiology (physi/o= nature) (-logy= study of) Study of the function (nature) of living organisms; anatomy and physiology (A&P) is the combination of the study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body
protoplasm (proto-= first) (-plasm= a thing formed , plasma) Essential matter inside of a living cell
Somatotrophic (somat/o= body) (troph= nourishment, development) (-ic= pertaining to) Pertaining to stimualtion of body growth
Superficial Pertaining to the surface, on or near the surface
Systemic (system= composite, whole) (-ic= pertaining to) Pertaining to the body as a whole
Tropical (tropic= place) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to a place, definite locale
Unilateral (uni-= one) (later= side ) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to one side
Ventral (ventr= near the belly side) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to the belly side, abdomen; front side of the body (same as anterior)
Vertex Top or highest point; top or crown of the head
Visceral (viscer= body organs) (-al= pertaining to) Pertaining to body organs enclosed within a cavity, especially abdominal organs
Created by: ch1017
Popular Medical sets




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