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test 2

face, scalp, and cranial cavity

what is the main cutaneous nerve to the face? trigeminal
what are the four major cutaneous branches of the trigeminal n? supraorbital-infraorbital-mental-auriculotemporal
what divisions of the trigeminal do the supraorbital-inftaorbital-mental-and auriculotemporal nerve come from? supraorbital=(V1)infraorbital=(V2)mental(V3)auriculotemporal(V3)
which nerve supplies cutaneous sensation to the chin and lower lip? mental(V3)
which 2 nerves help with innervation to supply the scalp? auriculotemporal & supraorbital
are the muscles of facial expression voluntary or involuntary? voluntary
muscles of facial expression are innervated by which nerve? CN 7 facial
what are the four facial muscles that are associated with the opening of the eye?BE SPECIFIC orbicularis oculli(orbital part & palpebral part)-corrugator supercilli-frontalis-procerus
which facial expression muscles are associated with the nose? nasalis(transverse part & alar part)
what are the 2 main functions of the nasalis muscle? compress and dialate the nostrils
what are the upper mouth muscles of facial expression? levator labii superioris alaeque nasi-levator labii superioris-levator anguli oris-zygomaticus major & minor
which muscle(s) are used to smile? zygomaticus major and minor
what are the lower mouth muscles of facial expression? depressor anguli oris-depressor labii-mentalis
which facial muscle is the "pouting muscle?" mentalis
which facial muscle is both an upper and lower mouth muscle? orbicularis oris
which facial muscleholds food between the teeth during chewing? buccinator
what happens inside the mouth if the buccinator muscle is paralyzed? the buccal mucose on the inside slips and is caught between the teeth during chewing resulting in lacerations
what are the 7 nerves branches from the facial that innervate the facial muscles?(to zanzibar by motor car) nerve to stylohyoid-posterior digastric-temporal-zygomatic-buccal-marginal mandibular-cervical
a lower motor neuron lesion to the facial nerve will result in? paralysis to the ipsilateral muscles of facial expression
what is parotiditis? and what can cause it? infection and inflammation of the parotid gland resulting in pain. caused by mumps
the parotid gland secretes into the ____ via the _____? oral cavity parotid duct
what type of innervation does the parotid gland recive and from which CN? parasympathetic that originates from the glossopharyngeal
what 4 structures transverse the parotid gland? facial nerve-retromandibular vein-external carotid arteries-auriculotemporal nerve
what can cause cavernous sinus thrombosis? infection in the facial vein and its tributaries that have connnections to the cavernous sinus
what can an abscessed tooth cause? a fatal cavernous sinus thrombosis
what is an abscessed tooth? a bacterial infection at the root of the tooth or the gums that resutls in a collection of pus
what are the 5 layers of the scalp? skin-connective tissue(dense)-aponeurotic layer-loose connective tissue-pericranium
which layer of the scalp holds an abundance of blood vessels? dense connective tissue
a gaping of wounds to the head would be caused by the? pull of the epicranial aponeurosis causes a coronal laceration to allow the frontalis and occipital bellies to pull apart
which layer of the scalp is the danger area and why? the loose connective tissue layer because infection can spead from here to intracranial sinuses via emissary veins.
what can cause a dural venous sinus thrombosis and/or meningitis inffection spread from the loose connective tissue layer to the intracranial sinuses
black eyes may result from? the blood that is allowed to spread anteriorly from a forehead wound in the loose connective tissue layer
which layer of the scalp is detached in a scalping injury? loose connective tissue layer
what are the three parts of the cranial vault? external table of compact bone-central layer of cancelous bone-internal table of compact bone
innervation to the scalp is from which two nerves? (V1) and greater occipital nerve
the blood supply to the scalp is by branches of the _____ artery and ______ artery? opthalmic and external carotid
what are the three arterial branches from the external carotid that supply the scalp? superficial temporal-posterior auricular-occipital
sites where cranial sutures intersect are known as? fontanelles
what are the two fontanelles? anterior"soft spot" and posterior
what are the three layers of the meninges that enclose the brain? (the PAD) dura mater-arachnoid matter-pia matter
which meningeal layer is adherent to the brain? pia mater
what are the 2 layers of the dura mater periosteal and meningeal layer
where is the sub-arachnoid space? between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater
where is CSF found and what is CSF produced by? CSF is found in the sub-arachnoid space and produced by the choroid plexus
how do the supratentorial compartment and the infratentorial compartment communicate with one another? through the tentorial notch
what are the five dural venous sinuses that drain most of the blood from the brain? superior sagittal-inferior sagittal-straight sinus-transverse-sigmoid sinus
what does the sigmoid sinus become as it exits the cranial cavity internal jugular vein
the cavernous sinus has connections to the _____veins which allows the spead of infection from the danger area opthalmic
which artery and nerve run through the cavernous sinus? internal carotid artery and abducent nerve
Created by: chadlarson
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