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CH 2:

Intro to Health Records

Noncontributory Not related to this specific problem. Making no contribution to a medical dianosis. non/con/trib/u/to/ry
Palpation Is the process of using ones hands to examine the body, especially while perceiving/ diagnosing a disease or illness. Pal/pa/tion
Vital Signs/VS Clinical measurements, specifically pulse rate, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure that indicate the state of a patients essential body functions.
Malignant Very serious and dangerous; tending or likely to grow and spread in a rapid and uncontrolled way that can cause death. Malig/anat
Mortality The quality or state of being a person or thing that is alive and therefore certain to die. Mor/tal/i/ty
Sequelae A negative aftereffect Se/quela
Occult The knowledge of hidden Oc/cult
Lesion An abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease. Le/sion
Exacerbation It is getting worse. To make more violent. Ex/ac/er/bate
Lethargic A decrease in level of consciousness; characterized by laziness or lack of energy Le/thar/gic
Genetic/ Hereditary Genetically transmitted or transmittable from parent to offspring. He/red/i/tary
Malsise An indefinite feeling of debility of health often indicative of or axxompanying the onset of an illness. Mal/aise
Chronic A continuing or occuring again and again for a long period of time. Chron/ic
Created by: aslinker4
Popular Medical sets




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