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Cardiovascular day 1

The blood pumps ____ L of blood each day? 7,000
what does the pulmonary circuits do ? sends oxygen depleted blood to the lungs to get oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
what does systemic circuits do ? sends oxygen rich blood and nutrients to the rest of the body,.
what would happen without the cardiovascular system? Cells and tissue would die
it is a ___ shaped muscular ___ cone pump
where is thee heart located ? in the thoracic cavity sits on top of the diaphragm
size of the heart? the size differs from the body size but is about the size of a fist
where do the lungs sit? they sit on each side of the vertebral column behind it and the sternum in front
what encloses the heart? The pericardium
the lining of the sac ? parietal pericardium
the inner most layer of the sac ? the visercal pericardium
what is between the visceral and parietal pericardium and what does it contain ? the pericardial cavity and contains fluid
how many layers of the wall of the heart have ? 3 layers
what is the first layer of the wall of the heart and what does it do? the epicardium it is a serous membrane that reduces friction
what is the second layer of the wall of the heart and what does it do? the myocardium it pumps blood out of the heart
what is the third layer of the wall of the heart? the endocardium
how many hollow chambers are in the heart? 4 chambers 2 on the right and 2 on the left.
what are the top chambers called and what do they do? atria and they receive blood returning the the heart
what are the bottom chambers and what do they do ? ventricles they receive blood from the atria and force blood out of the heart back into the body.
what is the tricuspid valve and where is it located? it has 3 cusps lies between the right atrium and ventricle and prevents blood from flowing backwards
what is the pulmonary valve what does it do and where is it located? located at the base of the pulmonary trunk and allows blood to leave the right ventricle and not flow backwards.
what is the mitral valve where is it located and what does it do ? located between the left atrium and ventricle has 2 cusps and prevents blood from flowing backwards.
what is the aortic valve what does it do and where is it located? located at the base of the aorta has 3 cusps and allows blood to leave the left ventricle and not flow backwards
what is the path of the blood ? enters right atrium through inferior and superior vena cava. the right atrium contracts and pushes blood through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. the ventricle contracts and forces blood into the pulmonary arteries which leads into the lungs
what happens when blood enters the lungs? the blood picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide
what happens when the blood leaves the lungs? enters the left atrium through pulmonary vein. left atrium contracts and pushes blood through mitral valve into left ventricle. left ventricle contracts and the blood moves through the aorta into the rest of the body
blood supply to the heart? coronary arteries supply blood to the heart and supply the heart cells and tissues with oxygen
what happens when the coronary arteries become blocked and what happens when this occurs ? not enough oxygen makes then become blocked and it can cause and heart attack
what is the mitral valve prolapse and what causes it ? when the cusps stretch or budge into the left atrium during ventricular contraction and you can be born with it
Created by: Mckenzie.wilson
Popular Medical sets




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