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Anatomy Lab 1

Scull made up of cranial bones and facial bones. Located on the superior, posterior, and inferior aspects of the skull and are responsible for encapsulating the brain and other nervous system structures.
Frontal Bone located on the most anterior portion of the cranium (commonly referred to as the forehead)
Metopic Suture (frontal suture) separates the frontal bone; during fetal development and is still present at birth. Fuses around 9 months of age and ossifies by 6-8 years of age.
Supraorbital Foramen located just superior to the eye socket;
frontal sinus viewable from the sagittal section of the frontal bone; located along the midline in the most anterior aspect of the frontal bone, just superior to the nose.
Sinuses cavities embedded within the bone, and can only be viewed when cutting a section into the bone, or by viewing particular images such as x-rays, MRIs, ect.
sutures tough fibrous connections (joints) between two or more bones of the cranium. Indicate locations of space between the cranial bones that was present at birth to allow for deformation of the head during the birthing process.
Coronal suture posterior to the frontal bone; separates the frontal bone from the two parietal bones.
Parietal bones located posterior to the frontal bone and are separated by the sagittal suture coursing down the midline of the cranium
Sagittal suture courses down the midline of the cranium
lambdoid suture forms an upside down V-shape on the posterior side of the cranium, and separates the two parietal bones from the occipital bone
occipital bones on the most posterior and inferior aspect of the cranium; contains the external occipital protuberance.
external occipital protuberance a bump located on the posterior side of the cranium just superior to the base (bottom) of the skull, and can be felt by palpating the back of your own cranium along the midline at about the level of the ears.
foramen magnum in the base of the skull and serves as the passageway for the brain stem. Largest hole in base of skull.
occipital condyles two smooth rounded bumps located immediately lateral on both sides of the foramen magnum. Can see these from the inside of the cranium in a transverse section of the scull. `
hypoglossal canals by finding the foramen magnum from the inside, just superior to the lateral sides of the foramen magnum.
Jugular foramen superior to the hypoglossal canals are larger holes that are located along the border between the petrous part of the temporal bone and the occipital bone
temporal bone located on lateral sides of the cranium and are separated from the parietal bones and the sphenoid bones by the squamous suture.
mandibular fossa smooth indentation located just anterior to the external acoustic canal and articulates with the mandible to form the TMJ
mastoid process posterior to the external acoustic meatus; is a rounded protrusion that extends inferiorly off the posterior temporal bone
styloid process located just medial to the mastoid process on the inferior aspect of the skull; a long skinny and pointed projection off the inferior temporal bone
stylomastoid foramen located between the mastoid process and the styloid process; small hole
zygomatic process anterior side of the temporal bone that contributes to a structure called the zygomatic arch (palpated just below the temple) -- this carch is comprised of two bones the temporal bone and the sygomatic bone
petrous the inside part of the temporal bone viewed with a transverse section of the skull
temporal bone inside the cranial cavity; the raised portion extending medially into the cranial cavity, just anterior to the border of the occipital bone ---you can find an opening on the posterior of ____just superior to the jugular foramen in the occipital bone.
internal acoustic canal the opening located on the posterior of the petrous temporal bone; sometimes called internal acoustic meatus
carotid canal can be found on the anterior aspect of the petrous temporal bone, just lateral to the junction between the occipital and sphenoid bones; lies adjacent to the foramen lacerum.
sphenoid bone best known for its bat-like shape within the cranium; located between the temporal bone and frontal bone on lateral sides of the cranium; remainder is viewed through a transverse section of skull
sella turcica found in the center of the sphenoid bone along the midline and is saddle-like in shape
hypophyseal fossa the dip in the center of the sella turcica and usually part of the sella turcica
optic canals openings located just anterior and slightly lateral to the sella turcica and bounded on lateral sides by the clinoid process; open to the inside the orbit (eye socket)
clinoid process bound the optic canals and stick out and point toward the sella turcica
superior orbital fissure two large, elongated slits; adjacent to the optic canal; can also be seen inside the cranial cavity located just inferior to the clinoid process that separates it from the optic canal
inferior orbital fissure opens into the space under the skull
foramen rotundum in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone located posterior to the superior orbital fissure
foramen ovale posterior and lateral from foramen rotundum; larger and oval shaped hole
foramen spinosum posterior and lateral to foramen ovale; smaller hole
foramen lacerum found just lateral to the sella turcica and directly adjacent (almost merging with) the carotid canal of the temporal bone
sphenoid sinus can be seen in a sagittal section of the skull; small cavity located just below the sella turcica and posterior to the nasal cavity
ethmoid bone found within the nasal cavity as well as inside the cranial cavity. From inside cranial cavity it is located along the midline in the center of the frontal bone
crista galli a small protrusion located along the midline of the ethmoid bone
cribriform plate found just lateral to and on both sides of the crista galli; contains tiny holes located throughout and forms the superior border of the nasal cavity
perpendicular plate inside the nasal cavity; inferior extension of the ethmoid bone along the midline of the nasal cavity and forms the superior part of the nasal septum
nasal conchae curling , boney shelves extending from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity; there are 3 conchae on each side
superior and middle nasal conchae most superior 2 on each side; considered part of the ethmoid bone and the inferior nasal conchae is its own bone. Very difficult to see the superior nasal conchae since it is so small. Typically only see two large on each side.
fontanelles additional spaces where the sutures meet are found within a newborn skull and aid in deformation of the skull at birth (soft spots); eventually close during development
anterior fontanelle located at the junction between the coronal and sagittal sutures; the space typically closes around 1.5-2.5 years of age
posterior fontanelle located at the junction between the sagittal and lambdoid sutures; typically closes around 2-3 moths of age
sphenoidal fontanelle located at the junction between the coronal and squamous sutures; typically closes around 6 months of age
mastoid fontanelle located at the junction between the lambdoid and squamous sutures and typically closes around 6 months-1.5 years of age
Created by: Shannona3
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