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PHLB - Hospitals

Dept's within areas of a Hospital

Service Areas:
A. Patient Care Services - Departments within Area Nursing Care, ER Services, ICU's, Surgery
Services Performed:
Nursing Care Direct pt. care. Observation to assess conditions. Medication admin., TX prescribed by a Physician, Eval of Pt. care, Health record documentation. Staff: RNs, LPNs, CNAs.
Emergency Services 24/7 care designed to handle medical emergencies calling for immediate assessment/management of injured or acutely ill pt.'s. Staff: EMTs & MDs specialized in ER medicine.
Intensive Care Units (ICUs) Designed for increased bedside care for fragile conditions. Ex. Burn units, trauma units, pediatric, medial, cardio units.
B. Support Services - Departments within Area Central supply, Dietary, Environmental Services, Health Information Technology.
Services Performed:
Central Supply Prepares/dispenses needed supplies required for pt. care. Surgical packs for OP room, IV pumps, bandages, syringes & other inventory controlled by computer for close accounting.
Dietary Services Selects foods & supervises food services to coordinate diet w/ medical Tx.
Environmental Services Includes housekeeping, groundskeepers whos services maintain a clean, healthy & attractive facility.
Health Information Technology Maintains accurate, orderly records for Inpatient medical history, test results, reports, TX plans & notes from Dr's & RNs to use for Ins. claims, legal action & utilization reviews.
C. Professional Services - Departments within Area Cardiodiagnostics (EKG or ECG), Pathology & clinical laboratory, Electroneurodiagnostic Technology (ENT) or Electroencephalography (EEG).
Services Performed:
Cardiodiagnostics (EKG or ECG) Performs EKG/ECGs or actual recordings of electrical currents detectable from the heart. Holter monitoring, stress testing for Dx & therapy monitoring for cardio pt.'s.
Pathology & Clinical Laboratory Performs highly automated/complicated testing on blood/other fluids to detect/Dx diseases, monitor Tx's, assess health. *Specialized Departments.
Electroneurodiagnostic Technology (ENT) or Electroencephalography (EEG) Performs EEGs, tracings measuring electrical activity of brain. Ex. Ambulatory EEG monitoring, evoked potentials, polysomnography (sleep studies), & brain-wave mapping to Dx and monitor neurophysiological disorders.
D. Professional Services - Departments within Area OT (Occupational Therapy), Pharmacy, PT (Physical Therapy), RT (Respiratory Therapy), Diagnostic Radiology Services
OT (Occupational Therapy) Uses techniques designed to develop/assist mentally, physically, emotionally disabled pt.'s to maintain daily living skills.
Pharmacy Prepares/dispenses drugs ordered by physicians; advises medical staff on selection & harmful side effects of drugs, therapeutic drug monitoring, & drug use evaluation.
PT (Physical Therapy) Diagnoses physical impairment to determine extent of disability. Provides therapy to restore mobility through individually designed Tx plans.
RT (Respiratory Therapy) Diagnoses, treats & manages pt.'s lung deficiencies (ex. analyzes arterial blood gases (ABGs), tests lung capacity, administers O2 Therapy.
Diagnostic Radiology Services Diagnoses medical conditions via xray of parts of the body. Ltest procedures, powerful imaging w/o radiation hazards such as: (ultrasound US), MRI scanners & positron Emission Tomography (PET scanners)
DIRECTOR ANATOMICAL/SURGICAL PATHOLOGY Histology, Cytology, Surgical Pathology
SUPERVISOR POINT OF CARE Outpatient Service, Nursing POCT
SUPERVISOR CHIMSTRY Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Molecular Diagnostics
SUPERVISOR HEMATOLOGY Coagulation, Immunology, Urinalysis
SUPERVISOR MICROBIOLOGY Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Parasitology
Department of Laboratory & Pathology (Lab Admin/Director) Branches: Manager Support Services: (Phlebotomy, Central Processing). Coordinator Quality Compliance. Coordinator Education.
TWO MAJOR DIVISIONS in the Clinical Laboratory Clinical Analysis Areas: specimen processing, hematology, chemistry, microbiology, blood bank/immunohematology, immunology/serology & Urinalysis.
2nd Division:
Created by: MCasler
Popular Medical sets




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