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Chapter 17
MDA 130
Term | Definition |
Disease | definite pathologic process having a distinctive set of symptoms & course of progression. |
Medical Asepsis | Removal or destruction of microorganisms. |
1-to understand & practice medical asepsis at all times using specific practices & procedures to prevent disease transmission. 2-teach pts& their families about tech. to use at home preventing trans. of diseases. | What are the 2 goals for MA's in med office? |
Microorganisms | microscopic living organisms. |
Normal flora | microorganisms normally found in the body; aka Resident flora |
Infection | invasion by disease- producing microorganisms. |
Pathogen | disease- causing microorganism. |
Disease2 | Producing microorganisms are referred to as pathogens & are classified as bacteria, viruses , fungi, or protozoa. |
Bactericidal | Substance that kills or destroys bacteria. |
Transient Flora | (travels) microorganisms that do not normally reside in a given area; transient flora may or may not produce disease. |
Resistance | (defense) body's immune response to prevent infections by invading pathogenic microorganisms. |
Virulent | (Violent) highly pathogenic & disease producing; describes a microorganism. |
Spores | Bacterial life from that resists destruction by heat, drying, or chemicals. Spore-producing bacteria include botulism & tetanus. |
Aerobes | microorganism that requires oxygen to live & reproduce. |
Anaerobes | bacteria that require the absence of oxygen for growth & reproduction. |
Carriers | person infected w/ a microorganism but w/o signs of disease. |
What are the 5 infection cycles? | |
Direct Contact | between the infected reservoir host & the susceptible host produces direct transmission . |
Indirect Contact | may occur through contact w/ a vehicle known as a Vector. |
Vector | (biologic ) a living, nonhuman carrier of disease, usually an anthropod;;.(mechanical) a carrier of disease that does not support growth ; ex: contaminated inanimate objects. |
Anthropod | an invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean. |
Viable | Capable of growing & living . |
Asymptomatic | W/o any symptoms. |
OSHA-Occupational Safety & Heath Administration- | federal agency that oversees working conditions, w/ that mission to protect employees from work-related hazards. |
CDC-Centers fro Disease Control & Prevention- | U.S. Federal agency under the Dept. of Health & Human Services that works to Protect Public Health & Safety. |
"Clean Technique " | maintain pathogen-free conditions to prevent transmission between people or objects & people. |
Handwashing | What is the most important med Aseptic tech. to prevent transmission of pathogens?? |
Diff between med asepsis & surgical asepsis?? | |
Sterilization, Disinfectants(Germicides), Sanitation. | What are the Levels of Infection Control?? |
Sterilization | Highest level- process, act or tech. for destroying microorganisms using heat, water, chemicals, or gases. |
Disinfection | Med Level- killing or rendering inert most but not all pathogenic microorganisms. |
Sanitation | Process used to lower the # of microorganism on a surface by cleansing w/ soap or detergent, water, & manual friction. |
Germicide | Chemical that kills most pathogenic microorganisms; disinfectant. |
Exposure Risk Factors | conditions that tend to put employees at risk for contact w/ bio hazardous agents such as blood borne pathogens. |
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) | equipment used to protect a person from exposure to blood or other body fluids. |
Immunization | actor process of rendering an individual immune to specific disease. |
Exposure Control Plan | written plan required by the OSHA that out lines an employers system for preventing infection. |
Biohazardous | describing a substance that is a risk to the health of living organisms. |
Postexposure testing | lab tests that may be performed after a person comes in to contact w/ a biohazard. |
Standard Precautions | usual steps (set by CDC) to prevent injury or disease . |
Hep B. it can live on surfaces longer (more than a wk) | What is more viable Hep B or HIV?? |
w/ dilute bleach solution. | How to kill HBV?? |
via blood & body fluids. | How is HBV & HIV transmitted?? |
Prophylaxis | means preventive |
Antibody | means defense mechanism |
Titers | blood tests for your immunity |
Propholative | means you take just in case |