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A & P Ch. 7
Term | Definition |
Aqueous Humors | Watery fluid filling the front and back of the eye chamber. |
Vitreous Humors | Watery fluid filling the front and back of the eye chamber. |
Cones | cells in the retina that are sensitive to bright light and provide color vision. |
Conjunctiva | Delicate external membrane that covers the exposed eyeball and lines the eyelid. |
Cornea | A transparent tissue over the anterior center of the eye. |
Extrinsic Muscles | Outer surface eye muscles which change the direction of viewing. |
Iris | Anterior portion of the choroid, give the eye its color. |
Lacrimal Glands | Makes tears. |
Lens | Transparent structure curved outward on both sides. |
Optic Nerve | Transmitter of visual sensory signals to the occipital lobe of the brain. |
Pupil | Opening where light rays enter the eye. |
Retina | Innermost layer of the eye which which sends impulses through the optic nerve to the brain. |
Rods | Sensory cells in the retina that are activated in dim light. |
Sclera | Tough layer of the outer eye |
Suspensory Ligaments | Tiny structures which attach the lens of the eye or the body. |
Anvil | Tiny bone in the middle ear which sends sound from the hammer to the stirrup. |
Auditory Canal | tube that connects the outer ear and the eardrum. |
Auricle | Irregularly shaped outer portion of the ear. |
Cochlea | Snail-shaped structure which allows you to hear. |
Eustachian Tube | Connects the middle ear to the pharynx and equalizes pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane. |
Hammer | Tiny bone which transmits sound from the tympanic membrane (eardrum) to the anvil. |
Organ of Corti | Spiral-shaped ridge of epithelium in the cochlear duct lined with tiny hairs which serve as hearing receptors. |
Ossicles | Body's three smallest bones- the hammer, anvil and stirrup |
Oval Window | Membrane-covered opening connecting the middle and inner ear. |
Semicircular Canals | Inner ear channels containing receptor hair cells that play an important rollin balance. |
Stirrup | Attaches anvil and oval window |
Tympanic Membrane | Eardum |
Vestibule | Chamber containing three semicircular canals |
Vestibulocochlear nerve | Cranial nerve comprising the cochlear nerve and the vestibular nerve. |
Antihistamines | Medications that curb the activity of histamines, |
Gustatory Hairs | Threads which emerge from the gustatory cells. |
Histamines | Molecules which trigger a reaction to irritation of the nasal membranes. Congestion and drainage may occur. |
Mucous Layer | Coating that surrounds the olfactory hairs. |
Olfactory Bulb | Thickened end of the olfactory nerve which sends sensory impulses to the olfactory region of the brain. |
Olfactory Hairs | Threads that extend from the olfactory receptor cells into the nasal cavity. |
Septum | Middle cartilage on nose. |
Taste Buds | Sensory receptors for taste. |