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Schwartz AP Gov 13

Civil Rights

affirmative action label placed on institutional efforts to diversify by race or gender
Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court ruled that "in the field of public education, the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place"
de facto segregation segregation by fact or tradition
de jure segregation segregation by law
disenfranchise denying one's right to vote
"don't ask, don't tell" Congress mandated that the military be kept in the dark about the private lifestyles of its personnel (passed during Clinton's presidency)
equal protection clause part of the 14th Amendment that guarantees that government - state and federal- would treat all citizens the same
Equal Rights Amendment proposed that "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied on account of sex " and gave Congress power to enforce this
Fourteenth Amendment promised US citizenship to anyone (including former slaves) born or naturalized in the United States
freedom of choice plans placed the school transfer burden on the black student to seek an acceptance from a white school
Jim Crow laws separated blacks and whites on trains, in theaters, in public restrooms and public schools
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) organization formed in 1909 to "stand for the rights of men, irrespective of color or race, for the highest ideals of American democracy"
National Organization for Women (NOW) led by Betty Friedan, to encourage women to speak their minds, apply for male-dominated jobs and to organize for equality
Plessy v Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional
preclearance prior permission from the US Justice Department for a state to require any new voter qualifications
quotas a specific number of openings designated for minority applicants
Regents of the University of California v Bakke (1978) Supreme Court decision that affirmative action quotas are unconstitutional
Title IX law passed that gave women the same educational opportunities as men
13th Amendment abolished slavery
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) 1996 kept the power to define marriage at the state level
Roe v Wade Supreme Court ruled that a state could not deny a woman the right to an abortion during the 1st trimester of pregnancy
Created by: schwarms1
Popular American Government sets




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