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Schwartz AP Gov 12

The Judiciary

appellate jurisdiction a federal appeals court
attorney general the head of the Department of Justice in the presidential Cabinet
binding precedent when a US district court receives a case that parallels an already decided case from the circuit level, the district court is obliged to rule in the same way
class action suit a large group of plaintiffs claiming common damage by one party
dissenting opinion the written opinion of those who voted against a majority in a Supreme Court decision
defendant the party in the court case answering the action
injunction a court order to the losing party in a civil suit, making them act or refrain from acting to redress a wrong
judicial activism when judges "act" to create the law
judicial restraint the idea that the court should not decide a dispute unless there is concrete injury to be relieved by the decision; justices should declare laws unconstitutional as infrequently as possible
litmus test the quick determination of a possible Supreme Court justice appointee's political philosophy
John Marshall Supreme Court Chief Justice from 1801-1835
original jurisdiction the court a case originates in
plaintiff the party initiating the action in the court case
plea bargain the government and the defendant bargain for a lesser sentence in exchange for a guilty plea
precedent a ruling that firmly establishes some legal principle
respondent the one who responds about how a lower court ruled
William Rehnquist Supreme Court Chief Justice from 1986 until his death in 2005
John Roberts current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
rule of four if four of the nine Supreme Court justices agree to accept a case, the appeal is granted
senatorial courtesy the home state senators being offered the opportunity to recommend judges when there is an opening
strict constructionist interprets the Constitution based on a literal or narrow definition of the language of the Constitution without taking into account changes since its ratification
torts civil wrongs that have damaged citizens
US Circuit of Appeals the middle tier of the three-level federal court system
US District Courts the lowest tier of the three-level federal court system
Earl Warren Supreme Court Chief Justice from 1953-1968
writ of certiorari the Supreme Court decision to request a full transcript from a lower court to consider a case
constitutional courts the three types of federal courts
petitioner one who appeals a case to an appellate court
certiorari "to make more certain"; the basis for an appeal
Created by: schwarms1
Popular American Government sets




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