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Schwartz AP Gov 8

The Media

adversarial press press that skeptically questions government actions
Associated Press (AP) the first formal news organization who could share news by wire service
Big Three networks ABC, NBC and CBS developed the news standard formula
bully pulpit stage from which a president can persuade the people, who can persuade Congress
C-SPAN privately funded, non-profit service that airs the House and Senate daily
editorials a newspaper's opinion pieces with no byline
equal time any station who permits candidate for a given office to use its broadcast facilities must provide equal opportunities for all other candidates for that office
Fairness Doctrine a policy which sought to ensure balance in the on-air coverage of controversial issues from 1949-1987
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agency created in 1934 to regulate electronic media
free press an uninhibited institution that places an additional check on government to maintain honesty, ethics and transparency
gatekeeper determining what is newsworthy and what will be aired
investigative reporting reporters going undercover to expose corruption in government and other institutions
journalistic integrity the obligation of a journalist to present an unbiased truth
libel false and malicious material in prin
muckrakers journalists in the early 1900s who "stirred up filth" in the cities
narrowcasting news outlets trying to appeal to niche audiences
New York Times v United States (1971) Supreme Court ruled that the government does not have the power of prior restraint
off the record the information cannot be used in any way
Pentagon Papers 7000 page document released to the New York Times detailing US involvement in Vietnam
press conference the president's communication team holds a briefing for the press on an almost daily basis
prior restraint mandated government approval in advance of publication
right of reply guarantees a candidate a response to attacks on the air
shield laws laws that allow reporters to keep their sources confidential
slander false and malicious spoken words
watchdog journalists' obligation to keep an eye on government or industry
wire service sending news information originally by telegraph
yellow journalism exaggerated stories filled with sensational crime and scandal
Created by: schwarms1
Popular American Government sets




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