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Mod B unit 1


Aponeurosis Suture of an aponeurosis
Scoliosis Sideways lateral curving of the spine (the back bone)
Hemopoiesis the formation of blood cells in the living body, especially in the bone marrow.
Visceral Also known as smooth muscle found in internal organs.
Brachialgia Pain in the arm.
Dystrophy Faulty muscular development caused my lack of nurishment.
Fascioplasty Surgical repair of the fasia.
Insertion The point of attachment of a muscle to the part that moves.
Isometric Pertaining to having equal measure. Counteracts the pull of gravity to maintain good posture.
Atrophy A lack of nourishment; a waisting of muscular tissue that may be caused by lack of use.
lordosis Abnormal anterior curve of the spine.
Kyphosis Abnormally increased convexity in the curvature of the thoratic spine as viewed from the side.
Diaphragm The partition, of muscle and membranes, that seperate the thoratic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
Flaccid lacking muscle tone; weak, soft, and flabby.
Tricepts A muscle having three heads with a single insertion.
Tenodynia Pain in a tendon.
Sarcolemma A plasma membrane surrounding each striated muscle fiber.
Rhabdomyoma A tumor of striated muscle tissue.
Intramuscular Pertaining to within the muscle.
Tendoesis Surgical binding of a tendon.
Quadricep A muscle that has four heads or points of orgin
Myosacrcoma A malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue
Myolysis Destruction of musscle tissue.
Three types of muscles skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Muscle that is attached to the bone skeletal
Muscles of the heart cardiac
Muscles found in the internal organs Smooth
Voluntary Muscles skeletal
Involuntary Muscles Smooth
Striated Muscles Both Cardiac and skeletal
Muscle that is attached to the bone Skeletal
What is skeletal muscles composed of Long, strong muscle fibers. held together by connective tissues in groups.
Groups of connective tissues are called what Bundles
Bundles of connective tissue are surrounded by what Sheaths
Each muscle fiber contains what myofibrils
Each fiber contains bundles filaments responsible for what contraction
Filaments in each myofibril are organized into repeating untis called what sarcommeres
What is Peristalsis altering wave-like contractions of both layers of muscles in a tube such as the bowels.
What type of muscle does Peristalsis occure in? Smooth
Skeletal muscle perform work my pulling on the______ of the skeleton._______ serves as _____. Bones, Bones, Levers.
Muscles work in ______ groups, called ______ opposing, "muscle team"
Contraction, produce movement isotonic
Contracture Flexor muscle becomes shorter resulting in perminent bent joint.
Muscles store _______ in the form of ________ for the body. Carbohydrates, glycogen
What three things happen when a muscle contracts 1. It uses stored glycogen 2. Changes glycogen to glucose as it source of energy 3. release heat
What happens when the muscle depletes is stored glycogen It becomes fatigued.
A tendon connects ________ to _______ muscle to bone
The largest tendon in the body is what the achillies
Ligaments are connective tissue that connect ________ to __________ at a _________ bone to bone at a joint
Orgin fixed attachment does not move bone
Insertion Moveable attachment, end that moves bone when muscle contracts.
Facia Covers muscle tissue
Sheaths Protects the moving part of the muscle group and tendons from friction.
Bursae Sac- shaped sheaths protect sholder, elbow, and knee.
Masseter Chew food
Sternocleidomastoid support the head
Intercostals Involved in respiration
Two muscles involved in respirations Intercostals, Diaphragm
Diaphragm Involved in respiration, and divides the thoratic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
Quadriceps Front of the thigh
Hamstrings Back of the thigh
Flexion to bend
Extension To straighten
Abduction To move away from the body
Adduction To move towards the body
Rotation To move around an axis
Supination Turning palm up (anteriorly)
Pronation Turning palm down (posteriorly)
Dorsiflexion movement that tilts foot up
Planter flexion Movement of foot downwards
Circumduction To move around within the joint
Strain To much stress placed on a muscle
Cramp/ Spasm Caused by a muscle that contracts ans cannot relax
Hiccough Spasm of the diaphragm
Muscular Dystrophy progressive waisting away of a muscle usually inherited.
Essential for muscle contraction Calcium
Created by: Jessierose
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