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The Nervous System

Chapter 7

There are six types of neuroglial cells that aid in neuron function. Name them. Oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells, astrocytes, microglia, Schwann cells and Satellite cells.
Resembles octopi that reach out with tentacles to tightly warp around the axons of neurons in the CNS What are Oligodendrocytes?
Forms the myelin in the CNS. What is the Oligodendrocytes function?
What is an Astrocyte? Forms the blood-brain barrier in the CNS
What is Microglia? They Seek out and fight pathogens in the CNS
Meninges? Three fibrous membranes
Dura Mater Tough, outer most layer of the Meninges. It attaches to cranial bones and forms a protective tube in the vertebral canal.
Epidural Space The space between the vertebrae and the dura mater surrounding the spinal cord. They contain blood vessels, adipose tissue and loose connective tissue.
What is the Arachnoid Mater The middle layer of the meninges. It is thin, web-like and a vascular. Does not penetrate smaller depressions like the pia.
What is the Subarachnoid Space It is filled with the Cerebrospinal fluid.
What is the Pia Mater It is the innermost layer of the meninges. It is thin and adheres to the CNS structure surfaces. It contains the blood vessels to nourish brain and spinal cord.
Ventricles Brain contains four interconnecting _________. They are cavities that are lined by ependymal cells
Where is the cerebrospinal fluid produced? Choroid plexuses in the ventricles
What is the flow of the Cerebrospinal fluid Lateral ventricles to third ventricle to fourth ventricle to the central canal or subarachnoid space. From the subarachnoid space upwards around the brain and down posterior side of the spinal cord, then up anterior side.
What are the four functions of the cerebrospinal fluid? Provides buoyancy, protection, facilitates chemical stability and provides nutrients.
Sulci Groves in the Cerebrum
Gyri Folds in the cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex The outer most layer of the Cerebrum covered in gray matter
What is Gray matter neuronal cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers
What is white matter Beneath the cortex. It is myelinated fibers that transmit impulses between hemispheres and between cerebral cortex and lower brain areas.
The Cerebral Hemisphere is divided into four lobes. Name the four lobes Frontal, Parietal , Temporal, and Occipital
The ventricles in the brain ______________> Contain cerebrospinal fluid, are cavities lined with ependymal cells and contain beds of capillaries in their walls.
The two roots of each spinal nerve have a different appearance because the _____ root has a bulge and the _____ root does not Dorsal:Ventral
The simple neural pathway that mediates a reflex is called a reflex _____ Arc
An axon leaves the neuron cell body at the axon hillock also know as the ? Trigger point
Cphal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum
dur/o tough
encephal/o brain
gangli/o ganglion
gli/o glue
medull/o medulla
mening/o meninges
myel/o spinal cord
neur/o nerve
poli/o gray matter
What are the four subdivision of the Central Nervous system? The cerebrum and its two lobes, the diencephalon and the brain stem.
What composes the diencephalon? hypothalamus and the thalamus
What composes the brain stem medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and the reticular formation and the cerebellum
Peripheral nervous system Sensory nerves
Created by: kphillips3
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