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Ch. 9 Patient Care

Documenting, vital signs, measurements etc

What is PYREXIA? a fever or raised body temperature
What is the most common cause of Pyrexia? infection
What is heart rate? a reflection of pulse
Where is the radial pulse located? on the thumb side of the wrist (most common site for adults)
Where is the brachial pulse located? inside the upper arm (most common site for children)
Where is the carotid pulse located? in the neck just below the jaw bone (most common site for emergency procedures)
NEWBORN- average heart rate 120 to 160/ minute
INFANT- average heart rate 80 to 140/ minute
TODDLER- average heart rate 80 to 130/ minute
PRESCHOOL- average heart rate 80 to 120/ minute
SCHOOL AGE- average heart rate 70 to 100/ minute
ADULT- average heart rate 60 to 100/ minute
what is RESPIRATION? breathing pattern, evaluated on rate, rhythm, and depth
NEWBORN- respiratory rate 30 to 50/ minute
ADULT- respiratory rate 12 to 20/ minute
What is blood pressure? the force of blood circulating through the arteries
What is Sphygmomanometer? Blood pressure cuff
What is the Korotkoff sounds? 5 phases of articular relaxation or distinct sounds that are heard throughout the cardiac cycle while obtaining manual blood pressure
ADULT- normal BP 100/60 to 140/80
INFANTS/CHILDREN- normal BP 60/30 to 100/80
what is BP is hypertension? 140/90 or higher - high blood pressure
what is pulse oximetry? % of oxygen saturation in the blood
what is the systolic pressure? the 1st sound heard during a BP reading
What is diastolic pressure? the last sound heard during BP reading
What is considered a normal BMI? 18.5 to 24.9
What is considered an overweight BMI? greater than 24.9
What is considered an obese BMI? greater than 30
For the weight of an infant to be accurate, what do you have to do? lie down or sit in the infant scale & weight infant without clothing or diaper.
How do you measure the head circumference of a child? using a tape measure, measure head circumference at the widest area, usually between the eyebrows and chart in inches or centimeters.
What is ANAPHYLAXIS? Allergic reaction
What is subjective information? Information that is personal or what patient is feeling
What is objective information? Information collected by the MA during visit
What is audiometry? Test to determine level of hearing
What is visual acuity testing? Use of tools to screen for visual impairments. EX: (SNELLEN CHART)
What are anthropometric measurements? Screening test including: Height, weight and head circumference in infants.
what is SCOLIOSIS? Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Created by: sam21alvarado
Popular Medical sets




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