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Obesity behavior

Behavior/pyshosocial factors in obesity management

What are 4 characteristics of motivational interviewing that differentiate it from the routine clinical interview? Person-centered, directive, enhances intrinsic motivation, creates change by exploring and resolving ambivalence
What are the 3 characteristics of the spirit of motivational interviewing in order to make MI successful? Autonomy (honors patient's choice, patients responsible for change), Collaboration (partnership with patient), Evocation (elicit solutions from patient rather than educating them)
What are the 4 principles of motivational interviewing? Express empathy (through reflections), develop discrepancy, roll with resistance, and support self-efficacy
What are the 4 strategies to resolve ambivalence in motivational interviewing? Note that these are done after patient assessment is already done. OARS: Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries
How many reflections should be given to a patient for every open ended question we ask? 2 reflections for every question asked
What is an affirmation in motivational interviewing? Emphasizing a strength of the patient in order to reinforce positive behavior (this helps a patient believe in themselves so they are successful in changing)
What is a reflection in motivational interviewing? Statements that are guesses of how the patient is feeling, used to express empathy. "You're committed to this change." "You are frustrated."
What is a summary in motivational interviewing? Strategy in which the important parts of the interview are reflected back to the patient, especially the change talk that you heard.
What is change talk? Statements patients make that signifies they are moving in the direction of change. E.g., "I will think about it," or "Yes, I can do that. I will start that today."
What is an acronym for remembering the types of change talk? DARN: Desire to change (I want to/wish I could/would like to do that), Ability to change (I can/could do that), Reasons to change (If I changed, then this would happen), Need to change (Need to do this for my health, kids, job, etc.)
When should motivational interviewing be used? When a patient is not ready to change to fix a problem.
Created by: maa13
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