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A&P Bones of Body
"Language of Med" Ch. 15 LTI-MA:509
Question | Answer |
Joints are? | The places where bones come together. Used for flexability of movement |
Sesamoid Bones | Small,rounded bones resembling a sesame seed. Found near joints and they increase the efficency of of muscles near a particular joint. |
Diaphysis | The shaft, or middle region of a long bone. |
Epiphysis | The end of a long bone. |
Epiphyseal line or plate | Represents an area of cartilage tissue that is constantly being replaced by new bone tisue as the bone grows. Also known as the growth plate. |
Metaphysis | The flared portion of the bone. It lies between the epiphysis and the diaphysis. |
Periosteum | Strong, fibrous,vascular membrane that covers the surface of long bones except for the end of the epiphyses |
Articular Cartilage | The end of a long bone and the surface of any bone that meets another bone to form a joint, they are covered with this. |
Compact (cortical) bone. | a layer of hard,dense bone that lies under hte periosteum in all bones and lies chiefly around the diaphysis of long bones. |
haversian canals | small canals containing blood vessels that bring oxygen and nutrients to the bone and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide |
Medulllary Cavity | the hollowed out central shaft of a long bonethat contains yellow bone marrow |
Cancellous Bone | also known as spongy or tabecular bone it is porous and very dense |
Bone Processes | enlarged areas taht extend out from bones to serve as attachments for muscles and tendons |
Bone Head | rounded end of a bone separated from the body of the bone by a neck; usually covered by articular cartilage |
Greater Trochanter | large process on the femer for attachment of tendons and muscle |
Lesser Trochanter | is a small process |
Tubercle | rounded process on many bones for attachment of tendons and muscles |
Condyle | round, knuckle like process at the joint; usually covered by articular cartilage |
Fossa | shallow cavity in or on a bone |
Foramen | opening for blood vessels and nerves |
Fissure | narrow, deep, slit-like opening |
Sinus | hollow cavity within a bone |
Sutures | joints of the cranial bones |
frontal bones | forms the forehead and the roof of the bony sockets that contain the eyes |
parietal bone | the 2 bones on each side of the skull that form the roof and upper part of the sides of the cranium |
temporal bone | the 2 bones that form the lower sides and base of hte cranium |
mastoid process | the round proces of the temporal bone behind the ear |
styloid process | projects downward from the temporal bone |
occipital bone | forms the back and the base of the skull and joins the parietal and temporal bones |
foramen magnum | opening in which spinal cord passes |
sphenoid bone | the bat-shaped bone that extends behind the eyes and forms part of the base of the skull |
ethmoid bone | the thin, delicate bone that supports the nasal cavity and forms part of the orbits of the eyes |
nasal bones | the 2 slender bones that support the bridge of the nose |
lacrimal bones | the 2 small, thin bones located at the corner of each eye |
maxillary bones | the 2 large bones that compse the massive upper jawbones |
cleft palate | if the two maxillary bones do not come together before birth |
mandibular bone | the lower jawbone |
alveoli | socket where teeth are embedded |
zygomatic bones | 2 bones, one on each side of the face that form the high portion of the cheek |
vomer | the thin, single, flat bone that forms the lower portion of the nasal septum |
sinuses | air cavities located in the cranial and facial bones |
intervertebral disk | pads of cartilage that seperate bone |
cervical vertebrae | C1-C7 |
thoracic vertebrae | T1-T12 |
Lumbar vertebrae | L1-L5 |
sacral vertebrae | triangular shaped bone |
cocyx | tailbone |
vertebral body | inner thick round anterior portion of the vertebrae |
intervertebral disk | a pad of cartilage that provides flaxability and prevents shock to the vertebral column |
spinous process | posterior portion of the vertebra |
transverse process | a spinous process that protrudes behind the pubis bone |
neural canal | space between the vertebral body and the vertebral arch through which the spinal cord passes |
lamina | part of the vertabral arch |
clavicle | collar bone |
scapula | shoulder blade |
sternum | breastbone |
ribs | 12 pairs of these, first 7 join the sternum |
xiphoid process | the lower portion of the sternum |
manubrium | the upper portion of the sternum |
humerus | upper arm bone |
ulna | medial lower arm bone |
olecranon | elbow bone |
radious | lateral lower arm bone (lines with thumb) |
carpals | wrist bone |
metacarpals | the five radiating bones of the fingers |
phalanges | finger bones |
pelvic girdle | pelvis |
ilium | upper part of the pubic girdle |
ischium | outer part of the pubic girdle |
femur | thigh bone |
acetabulum | hip socket |
patella | kneecap |
tibia | large bone of the lower leg |
fibula | smaller bone of the lower leg |
tarsals | bones of the hind part of the foot |
calcaneus | heel bone |
metatarsals | bones of the midfoot |
phalanges of the toes | bones of the forefoot |
ewing sarcoma | malignant bone tumor |
exostosis | bony growth arising from the surface of the bone |
fracture | traumatic breaking of bone |
colles fracture | fracture that occurs near the wrist joint at the lower end of the radious |
crepitus | crackling sound produced by bones rubbing each other or against roughend cartilage |
osteogenic sarcoma | malignant tumor arising from bone |
osteomalacia | softening of bone, with inadequate amounts of mineral (calcium) in the bone |
osteomyelitis | inflammation of the bone and bone marrow secondary to infection |
osteoporosis | decrease in bone density/thining or weakening of bone |
talipes | congenital abnormality of the hindfoot |
bunion | swelling of the metatarsophalangeal joint |
closed fracture | bone is broken but no open wound |
open fracture | bone is broken and a fragment of bone protrudes through an open wound in the skin |
pathologic fracture | disease of the bone such as a tumor or infection making it weak |
comminuted fracture | bone is splintered or crushed into several pieces |
compression fracture | bone is compressed; often occurs in the vertebrae |
greenstick fracture | bone is partially broken; it breaks on one surface and only bends on the other |
impacated fracture | one fragment is driven firmly into the other |
reduction | restoration of the bone to its normal position |
ORIF | open reduction/internal fixation |
mestatic bone lesions | malignant tumors from other parts of the body that metastasize to bones |
rickets | a softening of bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity |