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Anatomy Upper Resp I

Discuss the make-up of the external nose(5) 1. root 2. free tip 3. ala 4. external nares (nostrils) 5. septum
List the functions of the nose and nasal cavity Smell, warms and humidifies
identify and discuss the paranasal cavities
Four parts of the nasal septum and where they are 1. anterior- greater alar cartilage 2. posterior and lower- vomer 3. posterior and upper- perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone 4. inferior(anterior and posterior)- anterior and posterior nasal crests of the maxilla and palatine bones, respectively
Bony framework of the nose includes: (3) 1. nasal bones 2. frontal portions of the maxillary bones 3. nasal portion of the frontal bone
Muscles of the nose and what they do: (5) 1. Nasalis (opens the nostrils) 2. Depressor septi (stabilizes the septum) 3. procerus 4 levator labii superioris alaque nasi (lifts lips) 5. orbicularis oris (kissing muscles)
What are the anterior and posterior borders of the nasal cavity? Anterior- external nares posterior- choanae
Notable regions of the nasal cavity(4) 1. vestibule (chamber of the external nose) 2. limen nasi (skin to mucus membrane connection 3. olfactory region (where the olfactory receptors are located) 4. respiratory region (nasal mucosa that warms and humidifies inhaled air)
Floor of the nasal cavity is formed by: palatine processes of maxillary bone and horizontal plates of palatine bone
Roof of the nasal cavity is formed by: cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Three conchae are made from: 1. superior- ethmoid bone 2. middle- ethmoid bone 3. inferior- separate bone
Where are the conchae found? lateral wall of the nasal cavity
What are the passageways of the nasal cavities called? meati
Into which meati does the nasolacrimal gland drain into? inferior
List the steps of the nasolacrimal system: 1. lacrimal gland > lacrimal lake (with caruncle) > upper/lower lacrimal papillae with puncta > lacrimal canaliculi > lacrimal sac > nasolacrimal duct > opening of the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior meatus
What is the bulge lying underneath the middle conchae, caused by the middle ethmoid air cells? ethmoid bulla
What is the cleft lying underneath the middle conchae? Hiatus semilunaris
What sinuses drain into the hiatus semilunaris? maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, anterior ehtmoidal air cells
What nerve supplies the nasal cavity with the sense of smell? Olfactory (I)
What nerves supplies sensation? Trigeminal (V)
What nerve supplies the septum? nasalpalatine nerve
What nerves supply the conchae? lateral posterior superior nerves and the lateral posterior inferior nerves
What nerves supply the medial and lateral internal nasal cavity? anterior ethmoidal nerve
Primary blood flow to the nasal cavity is via: the sphenopalatine artery
Which branch off that artery? posterior septal branch
What branches of the sphenopalatine artery supply the nose? anterior ethmoidal branches
What braches of the sphenopalatine artery supply the nares? superior labial branches
What is the name of the site that is common for nosebleeds? Kiesselbach's area
What is the reason for the sinuses? give resonance to voice and lighten the skull
Name the sinus Maxillary, frontal, ehtmoid or ethmoidal air cells, and shenoid
Where does the maxillary sinus drain? middle meatus via the hiatus semilunaris
Where does the frontal sinus drain? middle meatus via the hiatus semilunaris
How many cavities does the ethmoid have? 3-18
Where do the anterior ethmoid sinuses drain? middle meatus via the hiatus semilunaris
Where do the middle sinuses drain? drains into the middle meatus at an opening on the summit of the ethmoid bulla
Where do the posterior sinus drain? drains into the superior meatus
Where does the sphenoid drain? into the sphenoethmoidal recess
Three parts of cartilage forming the nose: lateral cartilage, greater alar cartilage, lesser alar cartilage
Bones forming the root or bridge of the nose: * 2 nasal bones * 2 frontal processes- maxillary bone * 2 nasal processes- frontal bone
Opening for the nasal cavity is formed mostly from this bone and the apex is formed by the nasal bones maxilla
This valley above lips is formed by the depressor septi philtrum
The area of the nasal cavity where external epithelium and mucosa meet. Limen Nasi
What is the oval shaped opening that leads to the nasopharynx? choanea
What forms the roof of the nasal cavity? cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
What forms the lower boundary of the nasal cavity? hard palate( maxilla-palatine process, palatine bone- horizontal plate)
which meatus is the largest, path of least resistance? inferior meatus
What is the inner corner of the eye called? Lacrimal lake and the medial palpebrel commissure
What nerves supply the nasal cavity? Olfactory nerve(I) and trigeminal (CN V , sensation)
Created by: wolfkris
Popular Medical sets




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