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Pt 620 TMJ

What bony features are anterior to the TMJ? 1. Mandibular Fossa 2. Articular Tubercle
What is the shape of the condyle of the mandible? football-shaped, long axis medial to lateral
What are the two characteristics of the fibrous capsule? 1. Lax 2. lateral thickening
The lateral thickening of the fibrous capsule is called the ... lateral ligament
Are there 1 or 2 synovial cavities in the TMJ? 2
What separates the 2 synovial cavities? articular capsule
What is the upper cavity located between? disc and skull
What is the lower cavity located between? disc and condylar process
The articular disc is made up of what? 1. fibrocartilage 2. dense fibroconnective tissue
What is its strongest attachment (anteriorly)? capsule and mandible
Is the posterior attachment strong or loose? loose
What is the widest point on the disc? anterior and posterior (middle is thinnest)
The disc moves with the _______ of the mandible. head
The movement of the TMJ is a combination of ________ and _________. rotation and gliding
Intially there is ________ of the condyle against the ________. rotation, disc
Secondly there is ______ of the disc ________. glide, forward
The initial rotation of the condyle is what joint cavity? lower
The glide of the disc is movement in what joint cavity? upper
What occurs when the rotation and glide do not work in proper order? Why? abnormal movement, resulting from laxity of soft tissues
In dysfunction the _________ may move _________ to the disc. head, anterior
With abduction to the left the _______condyle slides forward an the _______ rotates around a vertical axis. right, left
What are the muscles of mastication? 1. Masseter 2. Temporalis 3. Lateral Pterygoid 4. Medial Pterygoid
What muscle runs from the zygomatic arch to the ramus of the mandible? Masseter
What muscle runs from the temporal foassa to the coronoide process of the mandible? Temporalis
What muscle runs from the lateral pterygoid plate (lateral surf.) to the neck of mandible, TMJ capsule, and articular disc? Lateral Pterygoid
What muscle runs form the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate to the inner surface of the ramus of the mandible? Medial Pterygoid
The masseter muscles are all innervated by? CN V (v3)
What muscle opens the jaw? lateral pterygoid
What muscles close the jaw? temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
Protraction is done by what two muscles? 1. lateral pterygoid (mostly) 2. masseter
What retracts the jaw? 1. posterior fibers of temporalis 2. deep fibers of masseter
Side to side is done by... (to left) left: temporalis posterior fibers (masseter deep fibers) right: lateral pterygoid
side to side is done by...(to right) right: temporalis posterior fibers (masseter deep fibers) left: lateral pterygoid
What are the to nerves that provide cutaneous innervation to the scapula and deltoid region? supraclavicular and upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
The supraclavicular nerve is a branch of what? cervical plexus, C3.4
The upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm is a branch of what nerve? axillary
What nerve is affected when there is sensory loss over the deltoid? upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
Dermatome of lateral arm C5
dermatome of the lateral forearm to index finger C6
dermatome of middle finger C7
dermatome of medial hand and digits 4 and 5 C8
dermatome of medial forearm into arm T1
dermatome of medial arm into axilla T2
What muscle goes from the lower margin of the spine of the scapula, acromio, and lower margin of lateral 1/3 of scapula to deltoid tuberosity of humerus? deltoid m.
What is the action of the anterior fibers of the deltoid? flexion and adduction
What is the action of the posterior fibers of the deltoid? extension and adduction
The middle fibers of the deltoid _______ the arm. abduct
The deltoid helps the joint capsule in what way? stabilizes the joint
The deltoid m. is innervated by... axillary n.
The muscle that runs from the costal surface of the scapula to the lesser tubercles of the humerus. subscapularis
subscapularis does what action? medial rotation and stabilizes the joint
What nerve innervates subscapuris? upper and lower subscapular nn.
The muscle that runs from the supraspinatus fossa to the lesser tubercle of the humerus (superior facet) supraspinatus
What are the actions of the supraspinatus m. 1. abduct 2. stabilize joint 2. depress head during abduction.
Why must the head of the humerus be depressed during abduction? It would hit the acromion process.
The muscle that foes from the infraspinatus fossa to the greater tubercle of the humerus Infraspinatus
Infraspinatus _________ rotates the arm and _________ the joint. laterally, stabilizes
Infraspinatus is innervated by what nerve? suprascapular n.
The muscle that runs from the lateral border of the scapula (above teres major) and goes to the greater tubercle (lower facet) teres minor
Teres minor mirrors the actions of infrapinatus which are? lateral rotation and stabilization of the joint
The muscle that goes from the lower lateral border of the scapula( as far as inferior angle) to the medial lip of bicipital groove teres major
Teres minor is innervated by... axillary n.
The action of teres major is.. 1. medial rotation 2. adduction 3. extension
Teres major is innervated by... lower subscapular n.
The muscle has digitations from ribs 1-8 and goes to the vertebral border of the scapula on the costal surface and inferior angle of the scapula serratus anterior
what is the action of serratus anterior? protraction and rotates gelnoid upward
Serratus Ant. is innervated by? long thoracic n.
If serratus anterior is deinnervated what happens to the scapula? It wings out, because the serratus ant. can no longer hold it against the thoracic wall
The serratus anterior is important in what rhythm? scapulohumeral
The C5 myotome is tested by what actions? shoulder abduction and extension
What is the scapulohumeral rhythm? 2:1 ratio of humeral to scapular movement
What muscles make up the rotator cuff? (SITS) 1, supraspinous 2. infraspinous 3. teres minor 4. subscapularis
What do the tendons of the rotator cuff blend with? joint capsule
The rotator cuff muscles act collectively to ________ the humerus while the deltoid ________ the arm. depress, elevates
The collection of the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles add _____ to the joint. stability
The suprascapular nerve comes from what trunk of the brachial plexus. upper
When it branches it travels through what "hole"? suprascapular notch
After it passes through the suprascapular notch it goes to what muscle? supraspinatus
It passes between what other notch before heading to infraspinatus muscle? spinoglenoid notch
Then it runs with what artery superior to a _________ supraascapular a., ligament
What cord does the axillary nerve come off of? posterior
It runs backards through the _________ space, and supplies what two muscles? quadrangular, teres minor and deltoid
What cord does both the upper and lower subscapular nerves come off of? posterior
The upper subscapular n. goes directly to what muscle? subscapularis
The lower subscapular n. goes to what two muscles? teres major and subscapularis
Borders of the quadrangular space: 1.Superior 2.Inferior 3.Medial 4.Lateral 1. Teres Minot 2. Teres major 3. Surgical Neck of Humerus 4. Long head of triceps
What are the contents of the quadrangular space? 1. Posterior humeral circumflex artery 2. axillary n.
Borders of the Triangular Space: 1. Superior 2. Inferior 3. lateral 1. Teres Minor 2.Teres Major 3. lateral head of triceps
What are the contents of the triangular space? Scapular circumflex a.
Borders of the Triangular interval: 1. Superior 2. Medial 3. Lateral 1. Teres Major 2. Long head of the triceps 3. Lateral head of the triceps
Contents of the triangular interval 1. radial n. 2. profunda brachii artery
What branches from the subclavian artery supplies the scapular? transverse circumflex and suprscapular
What artery comes from the subscapular branch of the axillary artery? scapular circumflex
What two branches from from the axillary artery directly? Posterior humeral circumflex and thoracromial trunk
What does the posterior humeral circumflex artery supply? acromion and neck of humerus
The thoracoacromial trunk sends branches to the _________ acromion
Created by: 696592119
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