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GenericBrandUse or description
atenolol Tenormin hypertension beta blocker
atorvastatin Lipitor antihyperlipidemia statin
benazepril Lotensin hypertension angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
bisoprolol/ hydrochlorothiazide Ziac hypertension beta blocker with thiazide diuretic
carvedilol Coreg hypertension beta blocker
clonidine Catapres alpha-2 agonist
diltiazem Cardizem hypertension calcium channel blocker
doxazosin Cardura hypertension alpha 1 antagonist
enalapril Vasotec hypertension angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
ezetimibe Zetia antihyperlipidemic cholesterol absorption blocker
ezetimibe / simvastatin Vytorin antihyperlipidemic cholesterol absorption blocker and statin
furosemide Lasix diuretic loop
gemfibrozil Lopid antihyperlipidemic fibric acid
hydralazine Apresoline hypertension vasodilator
hydrochlorothiazide Microzide diuretic thiazide
irbesartan Avapro hypertension angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
digoxin Lanoxin cardiac glycoside for CHF congestive heart failure
lisinopril Zestril hypertension angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
lorsartan/hydrochlorothiazide Hyzaar hypertension angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) and thiazide diuretic
losartan Cozaar hypertension angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
lovastatin Mevacor antihyperlipidemia statin
metoprolol tartrate Lopressor hypertension beta blocker
nebivolol Bystolic hypertension beta blocker
niacin Niaspan antihyperlipidemic Vitamin B3 nicotinic acid
nifedipine Procardia hypertension calcium channel blocker
nitroglycerin Nitrostat antianginal
olmesartan Benicar hypertension antiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
Potassium chloride K-DUR electrolyte
pravastatin Pravachol antihyperlipidemia statin
propranolol Inderal hypertension beta blocker
quinapril Accupril hypertension angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
ramipril Altace hypertension angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
rosuvastatin Crestor antihyperlipidemia statin
simvastatin Zocor antihyperlipidemia statin
spironolactone Aldactone diuretic potassium sparing
terazosin Hytrin hypertension alpha 1 antagonist
triamterene/ hydrochlorothiazide Dyazide diuretic combination potassium sparing and thiazide
valsartan Diovan hypertension angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
verapamil Calan hypertension calcium channell blocker
amlodipine Norvasc hypertension calcium channel blocker
Created by: mchugh100
Popular Medical sets




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