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10 mm/hr Measures the rate at which anticoagulated RBCs will fall when allowed to settle in a thin columnar tube. The ESR is a nonspecific screening test for inflammatory activity.
12 Seconds PT: Prothrombin time; an assay that monitors the extrinsic pathway leading to fibrin clot formation. Used to monitor coumadin therapy.
14 g/dL Hemoglobin (hgb)
200,000/mm^3 Platelet count
30 Seconds PTT: An assay that monitors the intrinsic pathway leading to fibrin clot formation. Used to monitor heparin therapy.
4.5 million/mm^3
45% HCT Normal Values (Hematocrit)
8,000/mm^3 Leukocyte count
AB Positive
Anemia Conditions characterized by a deficiency in quantity or size of RBCs, or hemoglobin content.
Anisocytosis Describes general variation in RBC size.
Band Neutrophils Immature form of the segmented neutrophil requiring a separate classification.
Basophils Large, dark purple to black granules
Christmas Caused by a factor IX deficiency.
DIC A disorder, often triggered by tissue trauma, characterized by massive coagulation that depletes the clotting factors, followed by massive fibrinolysis, which in turn causes severe hemorrhage.
Eosinophils Contains large, red-orange to dirty-pink granules.
Erythroblasts Fetalis AKA hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). A potentially fatal hemolytic disease, may occur when an Rh neg mother is pregnant with an Rh pos fetus.
Extrinsic Activation of the coagulation cascade when damaged tissue outside the circulatory system releases factor III into the circulatory system.
Fibrinolysis Initiated to break down the fibrin clot that is formed.
Hematology Scientific study of blood and blood-forming tissues.
Heme Iron-containing portion of the molecule combines with globin (the protein portion) and forms an activated form of hemoglobin that is ready to transport oxygen.
Hemolytic Anemia Characterized by increased hemolysis of red cells. Often due to transfusion reactions, autoimmune disorders, or fetal blood that is incompatible with maternal blood.
Hypertonic A solution that has a higher concentration of solute outside the cell than inside. This will cause the cell to lose liquid and shrink (crenation).
Hypotonic A solution that has a lower concentration of solute outside the cell than inside. This will create a rush of liquid into the cell causing it to burst (lysis).
Instrinsic Activates the coagulation factors within the blood when endothelial lining of the vessel is damaged.
Leukemia A neoplastic condition characterized by the proliferation of immature leukocytes in the peripheral blood.
Lymphocytes Are produced primarily by the lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen). Smallest normal WBC
Megablastic Anemia Results from a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, or both.
Monocytes Largest normal WBC.
Normal Saline 0.85 g/dl NaCl solution.
O Negative
Plasmin Enzyme responsible for digesting fibrin or fibrinogen.
Poikilocytosis Describes general variation in RBC shape.
Polycythemia Characterized by an excessive production of RBCs. Increased RBC count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.
Rh Eighty-five percent of the population is pos, 15 percent is neg.
Segmented Neutrophil PMNs (polymorphonuclear neutrophils). Most numerous granulocyte
Shift To The Left Increased numbers of bands.
Shift To The Right Increased numbers of segs.
Thrombocytes AKA platelets.
Von Willebrand's Caused by a factor VIII deficiency.
Created by: itsdelis
Popular Medical sets




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