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Word Combinations 2

Medical Terminology Words Combination

Acr(o) Extremities
Adren(o) Adrenal, gland
Amni(o) Amnion
Angi(o) Vessel
Aort(o) Aorta
Append(o) Appendix
Arteri(o) Artery
Arthr(o) Joint, Articulation
Atri(o) Atrium
Bacter(i) Bacteria
Blephar(o) Eyelid
Calc(i) Calcium
Capni(o) Carbon Dioxide
Cardi(o) Heart
Caud(o) Tail
Cephal(o) Head
Cheil(o) Lip
Chir(o) Hand
Chol(e) Bile
Choledoch(o) Common Bile Duct
Chondr(o) Cartilage
Col(o) Colon, Large Intestine
Crin(o) To secrete
Cry(o) Cold
Crypt(o) Hidden
Cutane(o) Skin
Cyan(o) Blue
Cyst(o) Cyst
Cyt(o) Cell
Dacry(o) Tear
Dactyl(o) Digits, Fingers or Toes
Derm(o) Skin
Dipl(o) Double
Dips(o) Thirst
Dors(o) Dorsal, Back
Electr(o) Electricity
Encephal(o) Brain
End(o) Inside
Enter(o) Small intestine, intestines
Erythr(o) red
Ex(o) Out, without, away from
Fet(o) Fetus
Gastr(o) Stomach
Gloss(o) Tongue
Glycos(o) Sugar
Gon(o) Genitals, reproduction
Gravid(a) Pregnant female
Heli(o) Sun
Hem(o) Blood
Hidr(o) Perspiration, sweat
Hydr(o) Water
Hyster(o) Uterus
Kary(o) Nucleus
Kinesi(o) Movement, motion
Lapar(o) Abdominal wall
Laryng(o) Larynx
Later(o) Side
Leuk(o) White
Lip(o) Fat, Lipid
Lith(o) Stone, Calculus
Macr(o) Large, great
Mamm(o) Breast
Megal(o) Large, Enlarged
Metr(o) Measure, Uterine Tissue
Micr(o) Small
My(o) Muscle
Myc(o) Fungus
Myel(o) Bone Marrow, Spinal Cord
Nas(o) Nose
Nat(o) Birth
Ne(o) New
Nephr(o) Kidney
Neur(o) Nerve
Norm(o) Normal
Olig(o) A few
Omphal(o) Umbilicus, Navel
Onc(o) Tumor
Onych(o) Nail
Oophor(o) Ovary
Ophthalm(o) Eye
Opt(o) Vision
Or(o) Mouth
Orchi(o), Orchid(o) Testis
Orth(o) Straight
Oste(o) Vertebrae, bone
Ot(o) Ear
Ox(i) Oxygen
Par(o) Bearing offspring
Path(o) Disease
Ped(o) Birth, child, foot
Peps(o) Digestion
Phag(o) Eat, Ingest
Pharyng(o) Pharynx
Phas(o) Speech
Phleb(o) Vein
Phon(o) Voice
Pleg(o) Paralysis
Pleur(o) Pleura
Poikil(o) Irregular
Protein(o) Protein
Psych(o) Mind
Pyr(o) Fire
Rachi(o) Spinal Column
Ren(o) Kidney
Rhin(o) Nose
Rhytid(o) Wrinkle
Salping(o) Uterine tube
Scler(o) Hard
Sperm(o) Spermatozoa
Spher(o) Round
Spir(o) To Breath
Spondyl(o) Spine
Test(o) Testicle
Thorac(o) Chest
Thromb(o) Thrombus, Clot
Trache(o) Trachea
Ur(o) Urinary tract, urine, bladder
Urethr(o) Urethra
Vas(o) Vessel, ductus deference
Ven(o) Vein
Xanth(o) Yellow
Popular Medical sets




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