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Anterior Thigh-PT620

Notes, facts, questions from outline- Summer 2009

Name the veins in the superficial fascia of the anterior thigh. Greater Saphenous Vein. Lesser Saphenous Vein.
What vein is used for coronary bypass surgery? Greater Saphenous vein
What vein originates in med. border of dorsum of foot, runs ant. to the med. malleolus, runs post. to med. border of patella? Greater Saphenous vein
Where does the Greater Saphenous vein empty? into femoral vein in groin through defect in deep fascia called the saphenous hiatus.
The Greater Saphenous vein empites into femoral vein in groin through a defect in deep fascia called the _________________. saphenous hiatus
What vein runs from the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot and runs behind lateral malleolus? Lesser Saphenous vein.
Where does the lesser saphenous vein empty? into the popliteal vein.
Approximately how many superficial inguinal nodes (lymph nodes) are there? approximately 12
There are 2 groups of superf. inguinal nodes. One parallels the ________________ and the other parallels the _____________________. inguinal ligament, greater saphenous vein.
The superficial nodes drain the entire __(1)____________ and the _____(2)_________ from the __(3)_ down. Including __(4)__, _(5)___, and _____(6)______. 1-lower extremity. 2-lower abdominal wall. 3-umbilicus. 4-buttocks. 5-perineum. 6-lower anal canal.
What does NOT drain into the superficial inguinal nodes? (Instead-drains directly into abdomen) testes (because they descended from the abdomen)
There are some deep lymph nodes along blood vessels in this region. They are called? popliteal nodes
Deep fascia in the thigh is called? fascia lata
the deep fascia in the thigh is continuous sheath with the fascia of the _______. leg
Deep fascia of the thigh attaches where? iliac crest, inguinal ligament, ischiopubic ramus, sacrum, coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament.
the fascia lata (deep fascia of the thigh) splits to enclose what muscle? tensor fascia lata m.
a strong lat. band called the ____(1)____, receives tendinous insertion of _____(2)______ and ____(3)_______ muscles, and attaches to the __(4)___ part of ___(5)(___ _______ ________ on ______(6)____ tubercle. 1.iliotibial tract. 2.tensor fascia lata. 3.gluteus maximus. 4.anterior. 5.lateral tibial condyle. 6.Gurdy's.
What is the name of the defect in the deep fascia of the thigh anteromedially below inguinal ligament? saphenous hiatus.
What empties at the saphenous hiatus? into what? greater saphenous vein, femoral vein.
T/F The fascia lata attaches to all bony prominences around the knee and is not continuous with deep fascia from the leg. False. It does attach to all bony prominences of the knee. However it IS continuous with deep fascia from the leg.
Fascia lat sends medial and lateral __________ _________ to _________ _______________ alond distal __/__ of femur. intermuscular septa, linea aspera, 2/3
What gives us compartments in the thigh? the fascia lata sends medial and lateral intermuscular septa to linea aspera along distal 2/3 of femur.
Name the superior border of the femoral triangle. inguinal ligament
name the lateral border of the femoral triangle. medial border or sartorius.
Name the medial border of the femoral triangle. medial border of adductor longus.
Name the "roof" of the femoral triangle. fascia lata, cribiform fascia over saphenous hiatus.
Name the "floor" of the femoral triangle. iliopsoas, pectineus, and adductor longus.
Name the contents of the femoral triangle. (lateral to medial!) femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral canal (empty space and lymph)
What does LYMPH help you remember? The contents of the femoral triangle. femoral Nerve, femoral Artery, femoral Vein, Empty space, Lymph.
Does the femoral sheath enclose femoral vessels and nerves? NO! just vessels. Not nerves.
What shape is the femoral sheath? funnel shaped (downward prolongation of transversalis fascia and iliac fascia.)
the Femoral Sheath fuses with CT of vessels _____ cm below _____ ligament. 3-4, inguinal
The femoral sheath is pierced by what? greater saphenous vein.
Name the 3 compartments of the femoral sheath. Lateral, Middle, Medial
What is contained in the lateral compartment of the femoral sheath? What is contained in the middle compartment of the femoral sheath? lateral-femoral artery: middle-femoral vein
What is contained in the medial compartment of the femoral sheath? CT, lymph vessels, and nodes. (transmits efferent channels to external and internal iliac nodes)
What is the uppermost part of the medial compartment of the femoral sheath called? femoral ring (opens into CT of abdomen)
Which compartment of the femoral sheath is called the femoral canal? medial
Which compartment of the femoral sheath is the smallest? medial
Can you name the two major arteries in the anterior thigh? (before more major branching) OBTURATOR ARTERY (a branch of internal iliac) and FEMORAL ARTERY.
The obturator artery is a branch from what artery? internal iliac a.
What is supplied by obturator artery? area of obturator foramen, acetabulum, and head of femur.
Where is the obturator canal? opening at top of obturator foramen.
Of the obturator artery and femoral artery, which is large and which is small? obturator artery is small. Femoral artery is large.
Femoral artery is a continuation of the __(1)____ _____ under ___(2)____ ligament. 1.external iliac. 2.inguinal
Name the branches of the femoral artery. 1.superficial iliac circumflex a. 2.superficial epigastric a. 3.external pudendal a. 4.profunda femoris a. 5.descending genicular a. 6.popliteal a.
Which three branches of the femoral artery arise together and are around 1cm below the inguinal ligament? 1.superficial iliac circumflex a. 2.superficial epigastric a. 3.external pudendal a.
Which branch of the femoral artery provides blood to deep thigh? profunda femoris a.
the Profunda Femoris a. is a large branch of the femoral artery. It gives rise to what smaller arteries? 1.medial femoral circumflex a. 2.lateral femoral circumflex a. 3.four perforating branches.
Which two branches of the profunda femoris a. supply the head of the femur? 1.medial femoral circumflex a. 2.lateral femoral circumflex a.
Which branches of the profunda femoris a. supply the posterior thigh? What m. do they perforate? where? the 4 perforating branches...They perforate adductor magnus close to its insertion on the linea aspera..... to supply post. thigh
Which branch of the femoral artery comes off just before the femoral a. passes through adductor hiatus? descending genicular.
Femoral artery changes name to ____(1)____ artery at ___(2)_____ hiatus of ___(3)___ magnus. Also known as the ____(4)____ hiatus. 1.popliteal. 2.tendinous. 3.adductor. 4.adductor.
At the base of the femoral triangle, the femoral artery is _______ to the femoral vein. lateral
At the apex of femoral triangle, the femoral artery is ______ to the vein. anterior
The femoral artery remains anterior to vein until bifucation in _______ ________. popliteal fossa
the Adductor Canal is also known as.... Hunter's Canal
What is the adductor canal? Where does it begin and end? a narrow fascial tunnel that begins at the apex of the femoral triangle and ends at the adductor hiatus.
What does the adductor canal contain? femoral vessels on their way to the popliteal fossa.
The adductor canal lies deep to the ___(1)___, anterior to the __(2)__ ______, and medial to ___(3)___ _______. 1.sartorius. 2.adductor longus. 3.vastus medialis.
Three functional groups of muscles are ____, ____, and ______. quads, adductors, and hamstrings
What is the origin and nerve innervation for the Iliacus? O-iliac fossa. N-femoral n.
What is the origin and nerve innervation for the Psoas m.? O-bodies, intervertebral discs, and transverse processes of ALL lumbar vertebrae. N-ventral rami.
What is the insertion for the iliacus and psoas? What is their action? I-together on lesser trochanter. A-hip flexor.
Hip flextion is what myotome? L1,2
What nerve innervates all of the ant. thigh? femoral n.
What are the actions of sartorius m? (Remember to sit with one leg crossed on top of the other) flexes hip, rotates thigh laterally, flexes knee.
All of the parts of the Quadriceps Femoris m. converge down low on what? quadriceps tendon.
Name the four parts of the Quadriceps Femoris m. 1.Rectus Femoris. 2.Vasti (3 parts)
What are the three Vasti mm? 1.vastus lateralis. 2.vastus medialis. 3.vastus intermedius.
Which vastus muscle is completly covered by rectus femoris and other vasti? vastus intermedius
Which vastus muscle originates at the lateral lip of linea aspera and lateral intermuscular septum? vastus lateralis
Which vastus muscle originates at the lower anterior part of intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera? vastus medialis
Which vastus muscle originates on the anterior and lateral surface of the body of femur? vastus intermedius.
All of the vasti mm. do what action? extend leg (and rectus femoris also flexes thigh)
Articularis Genu is deep to what muscle? vastus intermedius
What muscle pulls the joint capsule upward during knee extension? Articularis Genu.
I have strong gascial expansions from quadriceps and fascia lata. I help form capsule of knee joint. I attach patella and patellar ligament to femoral and tibial condyles. What am I? Patellar Retinaculum.
what is the name of the subcutaneous bursa over the patella? prepatellar bursa.
What is the name of the bursa that is anterior to lower patellar ligament? Infrapatellar bursa.
What muscle is innervated by both the femoral nerve, and the obturator nerve? Pectineus m.
Each mm in the adductor group is innervated by what nerve? obturator n.
Which of the mm. in the adductor group is most anterior? Adductor Longus
The obturator nerve has anterior branch in front of ________ and posterior branch behind _______. Adductor brevis, adductor brevis
The first perforating branch of ____________ ___________ artery usually pierces brevis. profunda femoris artery
Which of the muscles in the adductor group does external rotation of the thigh? Obturator Externus
I'm a skinny muscle that runs very straight down and crosses the knee. Who am I? Gracilis m.
The only adductor to cross the knee is? Gracilis m.
the Adductor Magnus is dualy innervated by what two nerves? obturator n. and tibial portion of sciatic n.
The part of the adductor magnus m. arising from ischiopubic ramus is innervated by what nerve? the obturator n.
The part of the adductor magnus m. arising from the ischial tuberosity is innervated by what nerve? the tibial portion of sciatic nerve. (considered part of hamstrings)
the femoral artery and vein run through the ______ _________ and then change names. (to popliteal) adductor hiatus.
Created by: christajtodd
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