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Social studies exam

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Absolute Power complete control over someone or something
Afterlife- a life after death
Archaeologist- a scientist who examines objects such as bones and tools to learn about past peoples and cultures
Artisan- a skilled worker who practices a trade they were in Aztec culture
Babylon the capital of Babylonia
Barbarian a wild and uncivilized person
Bazaar a market selling different types of goods
Caravan a group of traders traveling together
Caste a social class of people
Caste System a Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life
Cataract a large waterfall or steep rapids
Citidel a fortress in a city
City-State a city that has its own independent government and often controls surrounding land
Civilization a society with cities, a central government run by official leaders, and workers who specialize in certain jobs leading to social classes
Confucius a Chinese philosopher and teacher who's beliefs greatly inspired Chinese life
Cuneiform a type of writing that uses lines and wedges used to write several languages
Delta a triangular plane at the mouth of a river, formed when sediment is deposited by flowing water
Dictator a ruler who has total control over the government
Dike a protective wall that controls or holds back water
Domesticate to make tame
Dynasty a series of rulers from the same family
Empire many territories and people controlled by one government
Fertile rich in substances plant need to grow well
Fertile Crescent a region in Southwest Asia
Hieroglyphics a type of picture writing in which some pictures mean ideas or things and others stand for sound; many cultures used them
History the written and other recorded events of people
Immortal someone of something that lives forever
Import to bring in gods from a foreign country
Irrigation a method of supplying lad with water through a network of canals
Isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger pieces of land
Loess a yellow brown soil
Migrate to move from one lace to settle in another area
Monotheism the belief in one god
Muhammad the prophet and founder of Islam
Muslim a follower of Islam
Myth a traditional story
Mummy a dead body preserved in lifelike condition
Nomad a person with no home who moves to different places looking for the necessities of life
Oral History accounts of the past that people have past down by the word of mouth
Oral Traditions stories passed down through generations by word of mouth
Papyrus an early form of paper made from a reed like plant found near the Nile River
Pharaoh a king of ancient Egypt
Polytheism the belief in many gods
Prehistory before history
Pyramid a huge building with four sloping triangle, shaped sides; a tomb
Reign a period of rule
Savanna an area of grasslands with scattered trees and bushes
Scribe in ancient civilizations it was a person who knew how to read and write
Seige the surrounding and blockading of a town by an army intent on capturing it
Silk a valuable cloth originally made in China from threads sun by caterpillars called silkworms
Silt a fine soil found on river bottoms
Social Class a group or class that is made up of people with similar backgrounds, income and ways of living
Song a dynasty that ruled China after the Tang
Stone Age a period of time where people made lasting tools and weapons from stone; the earliest-known period of human culture
Surplus more of a thing or product that is needed
Tang a dynasty that ruled China for almost 300 years
Terrorism the deliberate use of violence to achieve political goals
Textiles the woven or knitted cloths used to make clothing,blanket, and other goods
Tribute a regular payment made to a powerful state or nation by a weaker one
Tyrant a ruler in ancient Greece who took power by force, with the support of the middle and working class
Veto the rejection of any planned action or rule by a person in power; the Latin word for "forbid"
Ziggurat In ancient Sumeria the site of the temple to the main god or goddess of a city
Archipelago a group or chain of many islands
Created by: Tigerclaw12234
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