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SAT vocab list 10

abstracted removed in thought from the immediate situation, lost in one's own mind
adulation extreme praise or admiration
adversity misfortune, unfavorable happening
burgeon to sprout,to newly emerge
chimera a fantasy, a horrible creature of the imagination
culpable deserving blame, guilty
decadent decaying
entreaty a plea, an earnest request
fatuous foolish, silly in an obnoxious way, inane
humane kind, compassionate, sympathetic and considerate
indulgent lenient, especially toward one's self
ineptness lack of competence or judgement
ingrate an ungrateful person
inundate to flood, to overflow
miser one who lives in wretched circumstances to save and hoard money
nefarious extremely wicked, evil, vicious
prattle meaningless sounds, babble
predilection preference
procrastinate to defer action, to delay
stoic not showing passion or feeling, indifference, impassive
suffrage right to vote
summon to call together, to send for or request to appear
transparent quality of being able to be seen through, clear
turbulence wild or disturbing activity
viable capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately
Created by: Maddawg
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