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Lcdc review

Stage 1 Experimental use Freq: occasional with friends Sources: friends parents etoh Use: curiousity, pressure,social acceptance, bored, rebel, thrill, feel good Effects: euphoria to normal Indicators: little change
Stage 2 Abuse Freq: regular several times a week more alone Sources: friends, buys more than needed, sells to keep supply Use: manipulate emotions, pleasure, cope with negative emotions Effects: euphoria to pain Indicators: lack of performance, large change
Stage 3 Depenency. Addiction Freq: daily Sources: aby means to obtain Use: to avoid pain or depression. To cope Effects: normal state is pain. Use to feel normal Indicators: physical change. Memory loss.
Acetylcholine An excitatory neurotransmitter released by axons
Norepinephrine A neurotransmitter found in the brain associated with arousal reactions and moods
Dopamine A neurotransmitter found in the brain associated with body movement and pleasure
Serotonin A brain neurotransmitter associated with regulation of sensory perception sleep and body temperature. related to drug-induced hallucinations
Gaba And inhibitory neurotransmitter substance
Alcohol use The consumption of Beverage alcohol within some socially prescribed or ritualistic context
Alcohol misuse Alcohol resulting in the impaired physical mental emotional or social well-being of the user
Alcohol abuse Which results in any degree of physical mental emotional or social impairment of the user and the user's family
Alcohol dependence Physiology and physical need for alcohol characterized by compulsive use tolerance physical dependence by withdrawal
Aversive conditioning Negative rewards to extinguish unwanted Behavior such as nasty smells when drug present
Adolescent drug involvement scale Drug abuse screening
Ads Alcohol dependence scale assess alcohol dependence syndrome
Alcohol use disorders identification test Audit is to identify persons who alcohol consumption has become hazardous
6 stages of counseling 1 gathering information 2 evaluation 3 feedback 4 counseling agreements 5 changing Behavior 6 termination
Family roles sharon wegscheider cruse Enabler hero scapegoat Lost Child mascot
Family roles of Claudia Black Responsible one adjuster placater acting out child
Misa Mentally ill substance abuser
Cami Chemically abusing mentally ill or chemically addicted and mentally ill
MICD Mentally ill chemically dependent
Lvl 0.5 Early intervention
Level one Outpatient service
Level 2.1 Intensive outpatient services
Level 2.5 Partial hospitalization services
Level 3.1 Clinically managed low-intensity residential Services
Level 3.3 Clinically managed population specific high intensity Residential Services
Level 3.5 Clinically managed high intensity Residential Services
Level 3.7 Medically monitored intensive inpatient services
Level 4 Medically managed intensive inpatient services
12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve steps were written in 1938
Step 1 of alcoholics Anonymous Admitting powerless over addiction
Step 2 of Alcoholics Anonymous Believing that a higher power can restore us to sanity
Step 3 of Alcoholics Anonymous Making a decision to turn our lives and will into the care of God
Step 4 of Alcoholics Anonymous Make a moral inventory of ourselves
Step 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous Admit the exact nature of our wrongs
Step 6 of Alcoholics Anonymous We are entirely ready to have God remove all our defects
Step 7 of Alcoholics Anonymous Ask humbly to remove our shortcomings
Steps8 of Alcoholics Anonymous Make amends with those we hurt
Step nine of Alcoholics Anonymous We made direct amends to those we harmed except when to do so would injure
Step 10 of Alcoholics Anonymous We continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it
Step 11 Alcoholics Anonymous We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God and pray for knowledge to help us carry out
Step 12 of Alcoholics Anonymous Having a spiritual awakening we tried to carry this message along to others and practice these principles
Psychodynamic therapy created by Freud discusses id ego and superego along with defense mechanisms
Client centered Theory Created by Rogers idea that person is essentially good. Heals through self discovery. Keyword unconditional positive regard
Gestalt therapy Created by pearls Fritz discusses integration of experiences into whole personality accept pain and pleasure
Rational emotive therapy Created by Albert Ellis teaching a client to analyze his or her belief and correct irrational distortions. Thinking and feeling are closely linked. Thoughts cause action
Reality therapy Created by Glasser. Get back in touch with morals of which problems occur when meeting needs is conflict with morals
Transactional analysis Created by berne. Close to psychodynamic Theory. Issues occur when crossed
Behaviorism Learn new responses and focus on observable Behavior. Creators are Pavlov and Skinner
Motivational interviewing Motivational interviewing is a way of being with a client not just sets of techniques for doing counseling
Stages of change are associated with what counseling Motivational interviewing
DSM code for alcohol use disorder severe 303.90
Cannabis use disorder severe DSM diagnosis 303.90
DSM diagnosis for severe opioid use disorder 304.00
Amphetamine type substance use disorder severe DSM diagnosis 304.40
DSM diagnosis for cocaine use disorder severe 304.20
What is referral Identifying the needs of the client that cannot be met by The Counselor or agency and helping the client to utilize the support systems and Community Resources available
What is case management Activities which brings Services Agency resources or people together within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of establish goals. It may involve liasion activities of collateral contacts
What is orientation Describing to the client the general nature and goals of the program, the rules governing client contact that can lead to disciplinary action or discharge, the hours of which services are available, the cost, and clients rights
What are the 12 core functions Screening, intake, orientation, assessment, treatment planning, counseling, case management, Crisis Intervention, client education, referral, report and record-keeping, and consultation
What is depressants Drugs that slow down central nervous system
What is narcotics Powerful painkillers that produces pleasurable feelings and generally induce sleep
What is stimulants Chemical substances that speed up central nervous system resulting in alertness and excitability
What are hallucinogens Mine expanders these drugs affect a person's perception awareness emotions and cause misinterpretations of reality
What is the BAC level considered for alcoholism .20
What BAC level is considered legal intoxication Anything over .08
What are some examples of barbiturates Thiopental, hexobarbital, thiamyl, secobarbital, phenobarbital
What does the biopsychosocial model say about addiction Addiction is caused by a variety of issues such as biological, psychological, and social
What are the social problems that the biopsychosocial model name as factors Social problems such as unemployment, poverty, racism, and family dysfunction
What is the medical model of abuse Compares addiction to any other illnesses or diseases
What does the medical model of addiction say about the cause of dependence Medical model believes that a person may choose whether or not to initiate use of substances however drug dependence is an involuntary results
What are some research findings through medical model There has been research in these areas such as genetic causes, brain reward mechanisms, altered brain chemistry, and self-medication
What is the clinical model of abuse Clinical causes of addiction focus on personal needs or personality traits of those abusing substances
What are the two categories that clinical model are divided into Are divided into those seeking Rewards, avoiding pain, and develop drug use versus having different personality traits than those who abstain which may be influenced by wanting to escape life problems
What are therapeutic communities Therapeutic communities are self-contained residential programs that emphasize self help and rely heavily on ex-addicts as peer counselors, administrators, and role models
What are the roles of therapeutic communities Rehabilitation of the total individual, changing native patterns of behavior thinking and feeling, development of a drug-free lifestyle
What are some examples of therapeutic communities Those that are run by other users in order to gain social skills. Some examples can be with adolescence or in a correctional facility
What are Outpatient Treatment In treatment programs involve trained professionals working with addicted persons to achieve and maintain abstinence
What are some examples of Outpatient Treatment Programs that allow individuals to live at home and continue working while receiving treatment
What are combined settings To take advantage of both inpatient and Outpatient Treatment approaches for example partial hospitalization, halfway houses, sober living houses, and 2x4 programs
What is independent effect The effect of the individual drug is not changed when combined with another drug that is neither drug affects the action of another
What is additive effect When two or more drugs are present in the body that have similar effect the impact of adding one drugs action to another effectively doubles the effect of the drug
What is antagonistic affect The Effect 1 drug blocks or reduces the effect of either or both drugs in the system
What is potentiation or synergistic effect The combination of two or more drugs produced and exaggerated effect for example a reaction that increases the drug effects Beyond those that are associated with each drug separately
Some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include Eating and sleep disturbances, Tremors, sweats, hallucinations, convulsions
Some symptoms of CNS depressant withdrawal are Trimmer, education, increase blood pressure, insomnia, vomiting, seizures, anorexia, restlessness, muscle aches
Some symptoms of cocaine withdrawal are Irritability, weakness, reduce energy, hypersomnia, depression, loss of concentration comma increased appetite, paranoia ideation
What is repression Forcing unacceptable thoughts and feelings from the conscious mind into the unconscious mind
What is projection Accusing others of motives and traits the person's senses are true about him but he finds unacceptable
What is displacement Discomfort is created by one person but there is too much anxiety to talk directly with the person so the individual takes out his feelings on something or someone less threatening
What is reaction formation Exchanging an unacceptable word or feeling for a more acceptable one
What is regression Returning to a more immature behavior that used to be satisfying
What is rationalization Finding a satisfactory reason for doing something unacceptable
What is intellectualization Understanding a difficult situation with the mine but not allowing any feelings about it
Created by: jbfansa
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