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Medical Terminology

Ch. 1 & 2 spelling words and definitions

Lymphoma malignancy of lymph tissue that can be localized or systemic
Tracheostomy surgical procedure to make an opening into the trachea (throat)
Abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
Electrolyte substance that can conduct electricity within a fluid
Colonoscopy endoscopic examination of the colon
Geriatric a branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases of old age and aging people.
Leukocyte white blood cell that defends the body against outside invaders
Cyanosis bluish color associated with decreased oxygen
Melanocyte the pigment-producing cells within the skin
Cardiologist one who studies the heart
Renal related to, involving, affecting, or located in the region of the kidneys
Vascular pertaining to the blood vessels
Apnea a period of time during which breathing stops or is markedly reduced
Hypodermic adj: related to the layer beneath the skin (epidermis, hypodermis) or injected beneath the skin.Noun: a hypodermic injection, needle, or syringe
Pachycephalic 1.abnormal thickness of the bones of the skull2. related to or marked by pachycephaly (thick skulled)
Supination turning the palm of the hand or the medial edge of the foot upward
Trendelenburg the patient lies supine at an angle with the head lower than the trunk, knees bent, and feet below the level of the knees
Tomography xray exam where the xray device is moved to view areas of the body
Radioimmunoassay measurement of antigen-antibody interaction using radioactive substances
Cholangiogram xray examination of the bile ducts
Angiocardiography process of viewing the heart and blood vessels by injecting radiopaque dye into circulating blood and exposing the chest to xrays.
Fluoroscopy examination of body tissues and deep structures by the use of fluoroscope
Coccygeal relating to the coccyz
Hematology the study of blood and its components
Hyperplasia uncontrolled growth of tissue
Inflammation response to the body to injury or disease
Etiology the cause of an illness or disease
Epigastric upper middle, over the stomachalso: relating to the epigastrium
Echocardiogram ultrasound that records the function of the valves and flow of blood through the heart
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) method of scanning the brain using an electromagnetic field and radio waves to produce the image
Cholecystogram xray examination of the gallbladder
Pandemic widespread epidemic(all)
Transdermal entering through the dermis or skin, as in administration of a drug applied to the skin in ointment or patch form
Pronation turning the palm of the hand downward or raising the lateral edge of the foot
Hypochondriac Noun: a person afflicted with hypochondriaAdj: 1. related to or afflicted with hypochondria*2. related to or located in the left or right hypochondrium
Created by: agwalker28
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