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Circulatory System

Endocardium Smooth layer of cells that lines the inside of the chambers of the heart and is continuous with the inside of blood vessels.
Pericardium Double layer membrane or sac that covers the outside of the heart.
Myocardium Thickest layer, muscular middle layer.
Diastole Period of relaxation of the heart.
Systole Period of work, or contraction of the heart.
Arterioles Carry blood away from the heart
Veins Blood vessels carry blood back to the heart.
Arteries Small arteries that branch out into capillaries
Capillaries Connect arteries with veneles ( the smallest veins ) allows exchange of nutrients and gasses between blood and body.
Plasma 90% water with many dissolved or suspended suspences.
Hemoglobin Red blood cells contain this, A complex protein compared of the protein molecule called global and iron compound called heme. Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide gives blood it's red color when it has oxygen.
Aorta The main and largest artery of the body which supplies oxygenated blood to the body.
Erythrocytes Red blood cells, produced in red bone marrow, one million per minute. It contains hemoglobin which transports oxygen & carbon dioxide.
Thrombocytes Platelet, blood cell required for clotting of the blood.
Leukocytes White blood cells to fight infection in the body.
Hemophilia Platelets are missing which leads to excessive bleeding and improper clotting.
Sickle cell anemia Abnormal shaped blood cells that get stuck in the blood vessels which blocks the blood flow preventing the delivery of oxygen.
DVT & Pulmonary embolism ( Deep Vein Thrombosis ) Blood cells loosen up and get stuck in the lungs.
Stroke/CVA/FAST Stroke is damage to the brain from interruption of it's blood supply. CVA: cerebral vascular accident FAST: face,arms,speech,time
Aneurysm A weakness in a blood vessel that balloons and fills with blood and eventually pop.
Leukemia Cancer of the blood
Phlebotomist People who draw blood from patient
Cardiologist Heart doctor
Hematologist Blood doctor and researcher
Electrocardiogram A record or display of a person's heartbeat produced by electrocardiography.
Know number of cells in a cubic millimeter 5 million
Know the order and names of electrical conductivity of the heart 1. SA node 2. AV node 3. Bundle branches 4. Purkinje fibers
Know the blood types and who can give to whom A contains antigen A on ABC B contains antigen B on RBC AB contains both antigen A & B on RBC O contains neither antigen A or B on RBC O - : Universal donor A + : Universal receiver
Know how much blood the average adult has in their body ( quarts ) 4-6 quarts
Know what the bright red color of blood is indicative of It indicates that hemoglobin carries oxygen
Created by: Jsanchis30
Popular Medical sets




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