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KUB Kidneys Ureter Bladder X-Ray structure
IVP Intravenous pyclogram Visualizes entering urinary track
GFB Glomerular filtration
POL Physicians office laboratory
3 steps to urinalysis Physical Chemical Microscopic
Physical Check color / clarity / Oder
Chemical Dip stick / reagent strip / specific gravity
Microscopic Using microscope To view sentiment
Specific gravity Normal body's ability to concentrate or dilute urine
Urochrome Produced color of urine
Turbid Cloudy / opaque unable to see through
Clini test Glucose / sugar
Icto test Bilirubin
Ace test Keystones
SSA Sulfasalicylic - acid Protein
Supernatant Clear liquid that remains after spinning in centrifuge ( discarded into dirty sink)
Sediment Solid material in bottom of tube after spinning in centrifuge Sediment viewed under microscope
C & S Culture and sensitivity
Culture Observed for growth and identification
Sensitivity To find antibiotic of choice
Casts Structures due to accumulation of protein in renal tube
Glomera lonephritis Inflammation of the glomerulus
Qualitative test Reveal the presence of abnormal results
Quantitative test Determining how much of a substance is actually present in specimen
Keytones (Acetone) product of fat metabolism
Bilirubun Yellow breakdown product of normal heme metabolism
Bilirubun / elevates In certain disease Liver dysfunction or dysease
Bilirubun / responsible For yellow Oder bruises and brown color in feces
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
Anuria Absence of urine
Oliguria Scanty or disminished urine output
Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the renal pelvis Most common in kidney disease
Dysuria Bad or difficult urination
Pyuria Pus in urine
Urinary incontinence Inability to control urine
Hemoturia Blood in urine
Urinary retention Inability to empty bladder completely
Specimen collection 10 - 12. Ml urine Label on the side
Refrigerated specimens If testing can not be done in 1 - 2. hours of collection
Lableling specimen 2 forms of ID Pt name Birthday
Postprandial After eatin / diabetic
CCMS Clean catch midstream specimen
Catherterization Sterile tube inserted though the urethra into the bladder
Pediatric urine collection Done by parent
Color Produced by a pigment called Ur o chrome Rw-cv-color
PPM Provider proformed microscopy
UTI Cystitis
EMR Emergency medical record
Catherterization Extracting urine from. Organ always called sterile
Random collection Any time no clean catch
Postprandial Used for two hours after eating Diabetics
Specific gravity 1.003. Hydrated. To 1.030. Dehydrated
Hemoglobinuria When RBC have ruptured and hemoglobin has been released into the urine
Hemoturia The presence of blood in the urine with the presence of intact red cells Upon microscopic examination
Reagent strip Used to perform a chemical urinalysis
RBCs Red blood counts
RTE Renal tubular epithelial cells
CLIA Clinical laboratory improvement admendment
SG. / SpGr Specific gravity
HPF High power field
LPF Low power field
U/C Urine culture
PPM Provider preformed microscopy
QNS Quantity not sufficient
Renal threshold Pt with diabetes has glucose in their urine
Purpose of CCMS Flushes the normal flora from the urethra
Minimum urine for testing 10ml
Ketoacidosis Diabetic / sweet fruity Oder of urine
Straw / Yellow Normal color
Colorless Very diluted urine
Dark yellow / Amber Very concentrated urine
Cloudy / pink / reddish / brown Red cells present in urine (Hemoturia ) due to kidney stones UTI /. Or menstrual contamination
Yellow/ brown Yellow / green Bilirubun present ( biliverdin ) in liver disease
Green Blue / green UTI caused by pseudomonas bacteria
Brown RB cell aged and oxidized rust brown
Black Melonin / liver condition
Created by: Tbella
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