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Final 140

specialty procedures

What is the normal pulse rate in infants? 100-160 a minute average is 110
how long do you listen for a infants heart beat? 60seconds
at what age are infants usually able to support their heads? 4 months
What is the preferred site for a pulse on a child under 5 years old? apical pulse
List the four stages of childbirth? dilation, expulsion, and placental
Where is the preferred IM injection site for children under 2 years old? vastus lateralis
Where do you place a oximetry? on earlobe, toe, finger, or bridge of the nose
a patient is considered hypoxic if the oximetry reading is _________ or less 95%
What is the main thing that an otoscope is looking at? the patient's tympanic membrane
What is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and the spinal cord? Meningitis
Which type of Hepatitis is transmitted through fecal matter? Hepatitis A
Which type of Hepatitis is transmitted through blood and body fluids Hepatitis B
Which type of Hepatitis is transmitted through blood only? Hepatitis C
How often should a man do a testicular self exam? once a month
List strategies that could help you with a hearing impaired patient? face the person directly and same level, keep hand away from mouth, reduce background noise, let them be tested, get their attention, speak normal tone, be aware of light so they can see, reword, written instructions
When should vaccines be administered in the child's life? first 15 to 18 months
What vaccine is contraindicated if you are allergic to eggs? MMR, varicella, or influenza vaccine
What is the varicella vaccine? for chicken pox, do not give if allergic to gelatin or the anitbiotic neomyciin, given 12 to 18 months or any age if never had chicken pox
What is Pediatrix vaccine? vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae, hepatitis B, inactive poliovirus, given 2 months, 4 months and 6 months
What is DTaP? Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, it is given IM, given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months
What is an IPV vaccine? vaccine against Poliomyelitis, given 2 months, 4 months, 16-18 months, 4-6 years booster
What info is included on a child's immunization record? month, day, and year of administration, vaccine given, manufacturer name, lot number and expiration date, site and route of administration, name, address, and title of health care provider giving the vaccine
What is Gravida? number of pregnancies
at what age should a sexually active woman have her first pap smear? when she becomes sexually active
at what age should a non-sexually active woman have her first pap smear? at age 20
What equipment is necessary to put out for the doctor when setting up a pap tray? emesis basin, latex gloves, slide fixative, lubricant, graves speculum, basin of warm water, tissues, two cotton-tipped applicators, two spatulas, slide holder and slides, transport medium container, spatula, cytology brush, and cytology broom
What does a colposcopy examine? the vagina and cervix by means of a lighted instrument that has a three-dimensional magnifying lens called a colposcope
What does para mean? carring a pregnacy to viability
What is Bulimia? a syndrome in which an individual binges on food and then purges by inducing vomiting
What is a Hiatal Hernia Congenital or traumatic protrusion of stomach through the diaphragm into the chest cavity
What is a sigmoidoscopy? diagnostic examination of the interior of the sigmoid colon.
What is a colonoscopy? instrument used to examination of the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon
What is epistaxis? bloody nose
What is Asthma? inflammation and spasm of the smooth muscle of the bronchi brought on by an allergen or emotional upsets.
What is Emphysema? enlargement of the alveoli due to lost elasticity usually brought on by a long-time irritant
What is Pleurisy? Inflammation of the pleura caused by bacteria or viruses
What is pneumonia? inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and chemical irritants
What is tuberculosis? inflammatory infiltrations, formation of tubercles, abscesses, fibrosis, and calcification. can lead to infections of other body systems.
What is Sinusitis? Inflammation and infection of a sinus or sinuses.
What is Cryosurgery? to treat tissue by freezing temperatures. Chronic cervicitis and cervical erosion are two common problems treated in the manner.
What is Anorexia nervosa? eating disorder, characterized by extreme low body weight and body image distortion, with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia are known to control body weight commonly through the means of voluntary starvation.
What is Gastritis? inflammation of the lining of the stomach, and has many possible causes.[1] The main acute causes are excessive alcohol consumption or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen
What is a PSA blood test? Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a substance produced by the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis or an enlarged prostate.
What is Cholecystitis? is inflammation of the gall bladderCholecystitis is often caused by cholelithiasis (the presence of choleliths, or gallstones, in the gallbladder), with choleliths most commonly blocking the cystic duct directly
What is diverticulosis? Diverticula in colon without sysmptoms
What is croup? group of respiratory diseases that often affects infants and children[1] under age 6. It is characterized by a barking cough; a whistling, obstructive sound (stridor) as the child breathes in; and hoarseness due to obstruction in the region of the larynx
What is Colic? is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or screams frequently and for extended periods without any discernible reason.
What is Involution? Involution of an organ is the shrinking or return to a former size.
What is strep throat? Strep throat is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. It is the most common bacterial infection of the throat.
What is Fulgaration? also called electrofulguration, is a procedure to destroy tissue (such as a tumor) using an electric current.
What is an Orchiectomy? Orchiectomy is the removal of the testicles. The penis and the scrotum, the pouch of skin that holds the testicles, are left intact
What foods should you avoid before getting a fecal occult blood test? The following foods should not be eaten 48-72 hours before taking the test Beets, Broccoli,Cantaloupe,Carrots,Cauliflower, Cucumbers,Grapefruit,Horseradish, Mushrooms,Radishes,Red meat(especially meat that is cooked rare),Turnips,Vitamin C
Equipment for a wet prep/wet mount tests? cotton-tipped applicator, small test tube, normal saline, 10% Potassium hydroxide, two microscope slides and cover slips, microscope, vaginal speculum, patient drape, gloves
equipment for a pelvic examination? nonsterile gloves, vaginal speculum, warm water or warming light, light source, drape sheet, patient gown, tissues, vaginal lubricant, lab requisition, urine specimen container, urine testing supplies, biohazard specimen bag, biohazard waste container
Pap test equipment? cervical spatula, brush and broom, thin prep container with solution for conventional pap test: microscope slides, fixative and/or specimen bottle, cervical spatula, cytology brush.
what is an IVP? intravenous injection of an iodine-based contrast medium that is used to define the structures of the urinary system. prepare with laxatives, enemas, and fasting
Created by: Seanmorrone
Popular Medical sets




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