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wk5 abbr,wp,term

abbreviations, word parts, terminology

Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemaglobin
NPD needlestick prevention devices
PPE personal protective equipment
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
POL physicians' Office Laboratory
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
PT protime
CBC complete blood count
BMP basic Metabolic Panel
CMP complete metabolic panel
PSA prostate specific Antigen
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
pathy disease
ot/o ear
opthalm/o eye
opt/o vision
intra within
hematocrit Hct
hemaglobin Hgb
needlestick prevention devices NPD
personal protective equipment PPE
erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act CLIA
Physicians' Office Laboratory POL
Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF
Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS
protime PT
complete blood count CBC
basic metabolic panel BMP
complete metabolic panel CMP
prostate specific antigen PSA
thyroid stimulating hormone TSH
disease pathy
ear ot/o
eye opthalm/o
vision opt/o
within intra
pediatrics branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The upper age limit ranges from age 14 to 18, depending on the country.
Microbiology study of microorganisms,
Pathogen biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host
Microorganism organism that is microscopic
nosocomial Hospital aquired
Bacteria are a large group of unicellular microorganisms
Febrile having a fever
Virus is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell
Sensitivity test in which an organism is placed with antibiotics to determine which antibiotic will effectively kill the organism with the smallest does
Normal Flora & Fauna microorganisms that are normally present in a specific site
aa of each
ac before meal
ad lib as desired
aq water
caps capsules
c_ with
bid twice a day
dil dilute
3 dram
elix elixir
Gm gram
gr grain
gt or gtt drop (drops)
h hour
IM intramuscular
IV intravenous
kg kilogram
L liter
liq liquid
m or min minim
mg milligram
ml or ML milliliter
mm millimeter
NPO nothing by mouth
non rep do not repeat
p_ after
pc after meal
per by or with
po by mouth
prn as needed
pt patient
q Every
qh every hour
q (2,3,4)h ever (2,3,4)hour
qid four times a day
qs of sufficient quantity
Rx take
s_ without
sol solution
ss one-half
stat at once
tab tablet
Tbs tablespoon
tsp teaspoon
tid three times a day
tr tincture
ung ointment
Created by: Seanmorrone
Popular Medical sets




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